Today I went to a session on Managing Change - it couldn't have come at a better time. The talk dealt with a particular model that has the change be an event then the transition being the reactions to that event. There are three steps - 1. the Ending; 2. the Neutral Zone; and 3. the New Beginnings.
We're always in some part of this transition and sometimes in two or more stages at the same time! I know that at least one of my changes started with my boss's retirement - that was The Ending. My reactions to that were mixed - I was pleased for her yet wondering how my life would be changing both in the long term and the short term. A new manager was definitely the long term change but, in the short term, was trying to manage all the new responsibilities while attempting to ensure the rest of the staff had what they needed. The Neutral zone is where I think I am now - I've moved forward but there are still questions and, unfortunately, not, as yet, very many answers.
If that was the only change then it would be fairly easy and simple to wait for the new manager to be hired and figure out my role at that time, but life is never that easy! My problems, staff problems, department issues - all conspire to make this change simply one of many - I can tell when I'm getting stressed by change - I want to sleep too much (most of the time), and get cranky! Then I know it's time to stop, take a deep breath and slowly start one step at a time to work through the problem.