Saturday, September 25, 2010

News . . .

I had a phone call today from one of my brothers-in-law - my father-in-law is in the hospital with a blood infection.  Apparently he's had the infection for a while and has been hospitalized during the summer - but this was the first time we'd heard about it.  Needless to say the Virginia family is upset - hopefully all will be well.

On lighter & better news  - less than 6 days until a family wedding!  Can't wait to see everyone . . .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weddings . . .

My niece is getting married on Oct. 1 - it will be good to see my brother and his family for something other than funerals (which have been the primary reason we've gotten together in recent years). 

I don't own a dress - at least not a dress for a wedding - so I had a shopping trip last weekend.  I must admit that I was lucky (VERY) and found something that was appropriate and nice looking - which, based on my size, is difficult.  I do have some questions for stores - why are the "big girl" clothes always in the far corner of the top floor of any department store??  Really??? We can't have a corner of the main floor?? with the rest of the woman's clothing?

Anyway - I'm glad that I found a dress - but there should be no doubt why I find shopping annoying, frustrating and somewhat humiliating. . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Whew . . .

I'm very glad that it's Thursday - because today it means that I'm not working tomorrow!  Of course it also means that I'm working Saturday but at least for tomorrow I won't have any meetings or really any email that I HAVE to read and respond to . . .

It seems as if I'm getting farther and farther behind and there appears to be no way out.  Maybe a day of relaxation (SURE) will help.  I know that I need to go get the oil changed in the car . . . UGH - there's always something!

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy the day tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed that Saturday is a peaceful and quiet day - it's the air show so hopefully a lot of people go there!  :>)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Medical Procedures . . .

I'm on the 5 year plan for colonoscopy screenings - and today was the third of my "procedures".   Each time the prep has been a little different - this time was actually not too bad - except that magnesium citrate has a horrible aftertaste and I don't like Gaterade (the prep required 2 32 oz bottles of Gaterade mixed with 4 ozs each of Miralax, each quart to be drunk within an hour) and after this I don't like it any better.

But apparently all worked as it should because I was back home by 9:30 (with a biscuit!) and napping by 10!!  Another nap about 2 and I'm all caught up on my sleeping!

PS - the first appointment is a good one for getting things overwith BUT you have to get up VERY early because the last of the prep has to be done 4 hours before your procedure - that meant I was up just before 4 a.m. - luckily there was a show on the DVR!!

All done for another 5 years - with a recommendation for a high-fiber diet!! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Earl. . .

Earl dropped by during the night - wheee - got some wind (not too much because there were no limbs or trees down so it was about the same as any storm we have and probably less than the nor'easter we had a bit ago) and some much-needed rain.  A good soaking rain that has the grass and plants saying "Thanks Earl"!

Hopefully the rest of the hurricane season goes as well  - I was glad that Earl wasn't a Cat. 4 and didn't come any more west than it did . . .