Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Can't let the month end without saying Happy Leap Day!  During our next leap year, my birthday will be on Mother's Day and I'll probably be (or about to be) retired.  Doesn't seem possible!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I did get the foyer painted but the paint color isn't the best with the wallpaper.  It'll look good in the dining room so I guess it's back to the store for a quart of something else for the foyer!  At least it doesn't take long to paint it!

Right now I'm just so sleepy!  This crazy weather - jumping from cold to warm and back again - it's a wonder we're all not sick!  The other day it was 82 degrees in February! and the next day it was 40 something!  Anyway - can't sleep right now because I want to watch my NCIS!  Of course there's that lovely little DVR that could let me sleep AND see NCIS tomorrow!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day Off

Today I had an "extra" day off - not unexpected because I asked for it but still enjoyable!  It was a beautiful day but I didn't spend much time outside - I was doing my usual stuff that I do on a Friday or Saturday off.  I dusted, vacuumed - there's always more to do! but I also enjoyed a nice brunch type breakfast and, at noon, a wonderful nap!!

Now I'm ready to fix dinner, watch Big Bang and clean up the kitchen.  Tomorrow my car gets inspected and has its oil changed - the appointment is early (7:30) but that means that I'll have time to stop at Home Depot and get a gallon of paint.  Don't know that it will get on the walls right away but at least it will be in the house! :-)   Maybe I'll even go to Kohls and see if I can find some new clothes - how I hate clothes shopping!

A good day all around!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Another Day . . .

I find myself incapable of wallowing in self-pity or even introspection for very long - it's hard work - too hard for me to handle after working all day!  So it's over for the time being . . . and now I'm going to focus on more pleasant and fun things!  Like finding curtains that I like or getting the oil changed in my car (scheduled for this Friday BTW).  In short- the mundane, normal stuff of life.

Does this make me shallow?  Perhaps some people may think so, but, honestly, I don't care!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Life is fast, allowing little time for contemplation or even thoughtful consideration.  Even when things appear to be going smoothly (or at least there aren't a lot of bumps) one more thing may come flying at you that can make everything seem overwhelming.  

That's not exactly where I am right now but it's approaching that tipping point.  For the most part, my life (and I) are moving smoothly along but, occasionally, something happens that causes introspection and self-doubt.  At those times I've found the best thing I can do is simply move forward one step at a time . . .acknowledging the doubt and pain but realizing that I am the master of my fate (at least I like to think so!) and I alone can make myself happy.  

"This above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man."  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Interesting . . .

Sometimes news comes from unexpected places and is surprising enough to take your breath away - at least for a minute (or hour) or two.

But, in the end, rationality comes back and reminds you that it's ok and you're ok - just another reminder that things happen for a purpose even when you can't see the purpose clearly - and you're stronger, calmer and actually happier.  Good living is its own best revenge or so I've heard - all I know is that for me, going forward is just the way it has to be and it hasn't been a difficult road because I have great support.

I read recently:   I think the only way to move on is to forgive. Talk about the hardest thing in the world!!! It is easy to forgive people you like, but to forgive someone who has betrayed you deeply and doesn't even care - you feel like why bother! I'll tell you why - for yourself. Until you forgive them, you will not be able to move on.

Now, the forgiving part is not instant. It is not something that you can just wake up one day and say okay, I forgive them, all the anger and resentment is gone. You make the decision that way, but you have to remind yourself that you have forgiven them when the hard feelings swell up. Keep telling yourself that you forgive them, pray to forgive them, and eventually you will realize that you mean it and that you really do forgive them.

Rainy Sundays

Today is supposed to bring snow (at least tonight) but right now it's sprinkles - cold and dreary.  But I've gotten the groceries purchased and in the house (not totally put away), prescription refills orders (will pick up this afternoon - early).  Now just have laundry to do and a pot roast to cook.  Comfort food!!

Not much in the newspaper this morning - but there was a long article on the City's and School's budget - doesn't look good :(.

Now to finish putting away the non-perishables, start the laundry, dust and vacuum - just another rainy Sunday!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whew . . .

This past week was extremely busy - with 5 interviews, 2 long meetings, 1 training, 1 11 hour day and 1 retirement gathering.  It's no wonder that I came home Friday and was asleep a little after 8 (and awake again at 11:40!).    (not that there weren't some fun things in there too . . . ;-) )

So, although I did go back to sleep last night (or this morning) about 2 a.m. and woke up at 6:40 ensuring that I got almost 8 hours of total sleep, by 2 p.m. I was dragging!  So off to bed I went and got another 1 hour and 47 minutes of nap!  And an interesting nap it was too!  In addition to meaning that I'm now a bit groggy, it probably means that I won't be asleep tonight until well past 8!

Anyway, I'm glad that it's Saturday, that I have two days off from work in a row, and that it really doesn't matter if I can't fall asleep on time tonight because I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow at any particular time (although I've discovered that grocery shopping is better early than late on a Sunday!!).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Things @ Work

My place of work is moving towards something new - new to us anyway - SharePoint.  Teams are going to be using it for collaboration work. One team that I'm on got its site today - we haven't had time to really work with it but we're used to having a wiki for our team's work and we maintain a blog that will still live outside the firewall - so it shouldn't be too hard to get used to this!

In many ways it's the same as we've been using but in some ways its not as simple or intuitive - especially for the computer challenged.  It will be interesting to see it develop and how everyone gets used to this new (to us) product!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 2012

Room was looking particularly good so I had to take a picture!

Cleo's not on her ottoman in front of the fire (she was earlier and is right now) but Quincy is on his ottoman in front of the sofa and next to the laptop!

Good thing you can't see all the Cleo clumps of hair on the rug . . .

It's really the first day cold enough to enjoy the fire - gotta a love a fire you just have to "turn on" rather than "build".

(Cleo's favorite position when the fire is on and yes, that is a vase of wine corks!!)

Happy Valentine's Day

to my wonderful sons . . . .

(and no, I didn't make cupcakes!)

interesting - I just read that today is the Anti-Valentine's Day Day - at least a dating company has declared it - but that's just crazy - how can you dislike a holiday that is symbolized by chocolate?? :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lists and updates

I was remembering that I made a list last year of things that needed to be done - (from April 2011)

  1. taxes done
  2. dining room emptied of the stuff that doesn't belong there
  3. dining room table back in the dining room!
  4. bedroom rearranged
  5. living room emptied of what doesn't belong there!!
and decided it was time for an update!! 

  1. taxes done - well last year's were done - almost time to do them again!!
  2. dining room still has a few things that don't belong there but it's minuscule compared to what it was!
  3. dining room table has been in there and we had Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner there!!
  4. bedroom rearranged - not so much :(
  5. living room emptied of what doesn't belong - yes and rearranged!! :)
now for a new list - this one is going to cost more :(

  1. replace the fence on the side of house, including a new gate
  2. replace the railing at the front porch
  3. curtains (or something) for the living room and dining room windows
  4. painting the living room, dining room and foyer
That's enough for now!!  Will have to check back next year and see what's been accomplished!! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

La Cage aux Folles

All by myself

Feels a bit strange but not bad.  Wish I could talk with people better but then again maybe I don't!

Good trip up - about 3 hours. Time went quickly listening to my book by Elizabeth George! Hope the trip home is as uneventful.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

To go or not to go . . .

I have tickets to another play tomorrow - and I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to drive up to DC or not.  I want to see the play but the drive alone is daunting.  It didn't use to be. . . I would leave work on a Friday evening and drive up there without a thought and come back on Sunday. But, although I drove up and back alone, I had a destination - a place.

Anyway - that's not the case now so I need to decide if driving up and back the same day alone is worth it - I haven't done the trip alone in a long time - I'm thinking it will be worth it :) - at least I don't have to leave until about 8:30 or so!