Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year & Best Wishes for a Safe, Prosperous 2011

Goodbye 2010 - you won't be missed!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day 2010

December 26, 2010  about 10 a.m.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SIGH - bah humbug

For some reason - or for a bunch of reasons - I'm just not in the holiday spirit this year.  It's all too hard, too commercial and just not worth it (at least for me right now).  I haven't put up a tree or a single decoration . . . not even the candles in the windows (for one thing the house would look lopsided because I haven't trimmed the hollies outside the dining room - they give Bry a bit more privacy for the time he has to spend there).

In any event, I'm truly hoping that 2011 will be a better year for everyone - friends and family.  I'll be ever so glad when 2010 is over . . . .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our first snow of December

Last night we had our first flurries of the season (remember the beginning of 2010 was FULL of snow!) - cars and roofs and grass was dusted with white and looked very pretty!

It still hasn't been enough to get me in the mood for the holidays but it will happen . . .it's so much easier with little kids around!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

The turkey's in the oven, the parade is on TV, I'm still in my jammies - there's a lot to be thankful for!

My children are alive and well.  Dispite broken bones, we're healthy and that's important.  My 'honey' is doing well too - and his children are all healthy and happy. My brother is progressing very well - his daughter has gotten married and his son marries next month.  My sister-in-law is amazing - keeping everything together!

Work is work (it is, after all a four-letter word :) ) but nothing horrendous.  Bills are being paid and I'm thinking seriously about retirement.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving - with friends, family and loved ones - and don't expect perfection - it only leads to stress and frustration! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy busy busy

It's been a busy few weeks . . . seems like I'm always on the go and yet not accomplishing much of anything!  We're going into the holiday season which isn't exactly my favorite time of year . . . November was the month I got married and the month my mother was born . . . December was my Dad's birth month . . . lots of loss and yet a lot of hope too.

Today I actually did accomplish something, although I'd have preferred not to have to have done it - I tackled the DMV and was able to get the temporary handicapped placard for my son.  It will let us park close to buildings legally and make getting to his doctor's appointments easier.  (I say legally because I have used another placard once it a while before I got this one but now we're legit!!)

I have many things for which to be thankful - more than I can appreciate most days. . . my sons are alive and will be whole once again.  My brother and his family are doing well (he's progressing very well and for that alone I am extremely thankful every day).  My guy and his family are doing well . .  my bills are paid (well mostly!! :) ) and the animals are healthy. 

Life is, for the most part, very good.  I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving - enjoying family, friends and good times.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and even with a war going on I'm not sure that people stop to actually think about what that means.  When I was young, there was a draft and lots of young men (no women then) waited each year to see if their number would be drawn.  There was a war then too and it lasted far too long and cost far too many lives.

It's too easy to dismiss the war because it doesn't affect most Americans - except as pictures on the evening news or online.  But there are real people - men and women - fighting, suffering and dying.

To all Veteran's, past and present - THANK YOU for serving - your sacrifice and your family's sacrifice is truly appreciated.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Catch Up

It's been a while since I've posted - and a lot has been going on and not all of it good.  My son was in a serious accident (at home) and fractured his knee.  He had surgery and came home after almost 4 days in the hospital.  He's not able to place any weight on his leg until sometime next month - it's been a very long, slow process.  I must say that he's been much more positive and upbeat than I probably would have been in the same situation.

I've told him (and it's true) - I wish that I could take his pain and make it all better again - but I can't.  All I can do is help him as much as possible, support him and love him (and that's the easy part!).

In the meantime he's back home and I do enjoy having him around (although I realize that he'd be much happier out on his own)!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pain . . .Fear . . .

There is nothing worse than having one of your children hurt and being helpless to do anything to alieviate their pain.  One son had to have surgery on his knee - it went well but he's in pain and I'm scared . . . I have confidence that he will be fine - but, as it was when he was a baby, I would much rather be able to take on his pain as my own and let him be painfree and whole again.

It will be a while before all is completely better- there is rehabilitation ahead - I'm glad that he's young and will heal quickly. 

Positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy successful recovery . . . he and I both need that!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vacation . . .

My significant other surprised me with a true vacation!  We had ticket vouchers from last year's trip to Las Vegas that needed to be used before the end of October.  We planned a few days in NYC (one of my favorite places) when I got a phone call at work "is your passport up to date?"  My answer was - Yes!! why?  Well, instead of going to NYC why don't we go to London?? (another favorite place!).  My answer again was a resounding YES! 

I packed and got ready - he said there was another surprise but didn't tell me until we got to the airport (VERY EARLY) and I saw "elite access" on our boarding passes.  For the trip to Newark that didn't mean much, but from Newark to Heathrow it meant A LOT!!  When we got on the plane -  our seats looked like these!!  After an extremely nice meal and pampering, it was truly possible to lie down completely (at least for me) and sleep (really sleep).  Got to London relaxed and refreshed. . . . We certainly can't travel this way often or probably ever again, but it was FANTASTIC once!  Looking forward to the trip home!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

News . . .

I had a phone call today from one of my brothers-in-law - my father-in-law is in the hospital with a blood infection.  Apparently he's had the infection for a while and has been hospitalized during the summer - but this was the first time we'd heard about it.  Needless to say the Virginia family is upset - hopefully all will be well.

On lighter & better news  - less than 6 days until a family wedding!  Can't wait to see everyone . . .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weddings . . .

My niece is getting married on Oct. 1 - it will be good to see my brother and his family for something other than funerals (which have been the primary reason we've gotten together in recent years). 

I don't own a dress - at least not a dress for a wedding - so I had a shopping trip last weekend.  I must admit that I was lucky (VERY) and found something that was appropriate and nice looking - which, based on my size, is difficult.  I do have some questions for stores - why are the "big girl" clothes always in the far corner of the top floor of any department store??  Really??? We can't have a corner of the main floor?? with the rest of the woman's clothing?

Anyway - I'm glad that I found a dress - but there should be no doubt why I find shopping annoying, frustrating and somewhat humiliating. . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Whew . . .

I'm very glad that it's Thursday - because today it means that I'm not working tomorrow!  Of course it also means that I'm working Saturday but at least for tomorrow I won't have any meetings or really any email that I HAVE to read and respond to . . .

It seems as if I'm getting farther and farther behind and there appears to be no way out.  Maybe a day of relaxation (SURE) will help.  I know that I need to go get the oil changed in the car . . . UGH - there's always something!

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy the day tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed that Saturday is a peaceful and quiet day - it's the air show so hopefully a lot of people go there!  :>)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Medical Procedures . . .

I'm on the 5 year plan for colonoscopy screenings - and today was the third of my "procedures".   Each time the prep has been a little different - this time was actually not too bad - except that magnesium citrate has a horrible aftertaste and I don't like Gaterade (the prep required 2 32 oz bottles of Gaterade mixed with 4 ozs each of Miralax, each quart to be drunk within an hour) and after this I don't like it any better.

But apparently all worked as it should because I was back home by 9:30 (with a biscuit!) and napping by 10!!  Another nap about 2 and I'm all caught up on my sleeping!

PS - the first appointment is a good one for getting things overwith BUT you have to get up VERY early because the last of the prep has to be done 4 hours before your procedure - that meant I was up just before 4 a.m. - luckily there was a show on the DVR!!

All done for another 5 years - with a recommendation for a high-fiber diet!! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Earl. . .

Earl dropped by during the night - wheee - got some wind (not too much because there were no limbs or trees down so it was about the same as any storm we have and probably less than the nor'easter we had a bit ago) and some much-needed rain.  A good soaking rain that has the grass and plants saying "Thanks Earl"!

Hopefully the rest of the hurricane season goes as well  - I was glad that Earl wasn't a Cat. 4 and didn't come any more west than it did . . .

Friday, August 27, 2010

Time for Costumes?

She wore this for several minutes and didn't appear to realize it was on her head . . .maybe she was happy I wasn't combing her?!

The next day she "wore" another cap and was startled that something fell off her head when she head-butted my arm.

Not the brightest kitty in the world!  As a friend said, Halloween is coming - what should she be??

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grandpa and Friends

After my mother died, I was given all the photos we could find . . . and they included a lot that had come from my Grandmother's house after her death.

This is one of those pictures . . .  it's my Grandfather and some of his friends in their WWI uniforms. 

Pictured are (from left):  Lester Kimmel; Ellis Martin; Frank Tucker (Grandpa!); Lee McAlpin; Martin Meyer; and Neal Holsclaw.

Luckily my Grandmother was much, much better about labeling her photos than either my mother or I were . . . guessing who some of these people are is HARD!  But I really do have to start working on that project.

Anyway - here's to my Grandpa who fought the War to End All Wars and came home to Michigan and his family.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Times

Things haven't always been positive lately - for lots of reasons - but whenever I feel really down, my MPOW can always be counted on to provide a laugh (even if momentary)!!

Today was one of those days . . . a co-worker hurried in to the admin offices and said I needed to come right away . . . off I went to the DU window where another staff member was almost doubled over laughing!  She said look, look and, of course I did.  The sight was something to behold!!

A woman, well into middle age, was walking past the window, which, in itself, is not unusual, but what she was wearing certainly was!!  She was wearing a hot pink tube top (again not unusual) but the top (while covering the parts it was intended to cover) was closer to her waist than her upper chest!  She was sauntering along, bouncing a bit around the waist! 

People wear the funniest stuff sometimes!  And, at times, it gives those of us observing a good chuckle - and sometimes a real belly laugh!! 

Monday, August 16, 2010


I've enjoyed a few days off - not really doing anything but I have cleaned (very little); rearranged (very little) and thoroughly enjoyed being home!  I could get used to this!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

More Thoughts . .

August has proved to be a better month than July, although I still find myself slower than I think I normally am!  I'm currently taking a few days off . . . and yesterday didn't do anything at all except read a TEEN book and putz around!  Don took me to see Raphie May last night at Funny Bone - good show and laughed a lot - it's different seeing someone in person rather than on TV!

Rearranged some furniture and got rid of some stuff but there's SO much more to do . . . it's embarrassing that things are still so messed up . . . but it's been hard for me to generate any ambition.  Hopefully in the next few days I'll get more done! 


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time Keeps On Slipping . . .

I've heard that second childhood comes with age - Pampers become Depends; dinner becomes the "early bird" because bedtime is before the street lights come on but I hadn't really thought it would happen to me!! And not at this age (although if I really think about it my age is getting up there - more than I think it should be!!).  *SIGH*

I find myself going to sleep earlier, that often means waking up earlier and then needing/taking a nap. This sounds very familiar - - - I remember my children doing this!! :-)  But they were pretty much finished with regular naps by age 4.

The lyric might be that time is slipping "into the future" but in my case it's more "into the past"!! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Wednesdays are always a favorite day of mine. . . and here's hoping that this one proves the point!  At MPOW two people are off but we have a fantastic volunteer to help with the morning "stuff" so things will be good!

We're getting into the swing of things - but still feel as though we're poised on the edge of a precipice - one false step and we're plunging!!  However, we've been given a reprieve of sorts and are eagerly looking forward to welcoming back a co-worker!! YAY!!  That one person's 40 hours will make such a difference!

We will survive - but I'd rather we thrive - at least a little bit! 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Today was an early day at the movies - Despicable Me - cute but most of the really funny parts were in the trailers . . . but that's often the case!!  Then a stop for a short visit, home for lunch and then about 1:30 - a nice nap - complete with warm kitty curled up next to me.  Good dinner (complete with a brownie for dessert) and then computer time/TV time, online shopping (wedding present!) and vegging. 

Not a bad Sunday 

Tomorrow - need gas for the "tank" and then on to work . . .

Friday, July 16, 2010

Whatever . . .

It appears that this may turn into a whining session and I don't want that . . . I can whine with the best of them but I'm not feeling particularly whiney - I'm feeling particularly low . . . and obviously depressed . . . neither of which are good things to feel anytime and especially right now.

"This too shall pass" is something that I do believe in . . . however, that doesn't mean that things will "pass" as they are or that the new reality will be any better than the current reality.  I sometimes want to say to those making the decisions - "if you want me to retire, I will - I do need more than I would get right now because I simply don't have the years in - but I'm willing to retire"  Don't see that happening anytime either but it's a thought!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another long and busy day . . . but somewhat better because I was actually able to get some of my "work" work done! 

I had my first debit transaction and made it through without any problem . . . what a relief that was!   We've now moved firmly into the 21st century as far as money handling is concerned and customers are starting to use it . . . and many know more about the workings of the machine than I do!!

Still have a lot of problems at work - the atmosphere is subdued - and staff are snappier with each other than was true in the past . . . I'm only hoping that the strain doesn't pull us apart too far.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

. . . and what a week it has been

The first week of our new reality is over and what a week it has been.  Everyone is very stressed and very tired.  We're doing our "normal" work with 35% fewer people and the strain showed immediately.  I haven't worked so hard in a long time - I know I was spoiled a lot with enough staff to actually have time to do my other work - but I truly didn't realize how much!  I'm certainly getting exercise and "sweatin" to the oldies!! Now if I could only find time to do the other stuff I'm expected to do - feedbacks, schedules, meetings, minutes, etc. 

I only hope we can get some help - we simply can't keep up this pace without losing the staff to burn out and exhaustion.  *SIGH*

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 4, 2010

Happy and safe 4th of July  (in case it's been a while since you read it . . )


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

. . . . Computer Woes . . . . Again

Today, the "new" loaner computer displayed the exact same message the "old" relic did when I was told that it needed a new motherboard.  This is a loaner - heaven knows when the real "new" computer comes - it was ordered (supposedly) in April - I believe it might have been ordered in May - but it's now one day away from July and still not here.  Strange! and yet not so strange!!

Anyway - the repair people were apparently able to remote in and fix the computer - I was able to log on at the close of business (after I begged to have a supplemental program downloaded to another computer so that I could attempt to do some work!!).  We'll have to see if it still is working tomorrow when I go in.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Ray of Sunshine in a Difficult Week

This evening I was working away from my desk (and therefore away from my cell phone) for most of the time - and when I got back to my desk (and phone) I noticed I had missed a call from my brother and a voice mail.  So naturally I immediately called voice mail (because the phone book entries on my phone for my brother AND his wife are listed in his name - and on that evening 2 months ago I thought my brother was calling and it wasn't . . so I was a bit anxious when I dialed voice mail) and heard:  "Diane, it's your brother - give me a call"!!  What a fantastic message!!

When I called back he was watching a ball game with his son - our conversation was short but sweet - and it was wonderful just to talk with him.

Positive, good thoughts still going daily to Florida - he's got a long row to hoe still and is facing bypass surgery in the future - he's strong and stubborn - love you T!

The rest of the week at work is going to be BUSY - everything seems to be coming to a head on July 1 - and, although we'll get through it just fine it's causing some angst and panic!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

June's Almost Over

It's almost the end of the month and the start of all the new things that are happening because of the new budget . . . reduced hours, reduced staff, so many changes.

We'll get through everything - but this change is going to be harder than some others - even positive changes can be hard and these are anything but positive for many people.

This evening, I waved goodbye to Don (and my truck) as he left for a trip to Florida to visit family (and meet a new grandchild) with one of his daughters and three of his grand-daughters (6 months to 16 years!!).

He's taking the BIG truck so that everyone has room - and I'm driving his car - smaller but nice - and enjoying Sirius - 70s and Blue Collar Comedy. 

I know they'll have a good trip but it's going to be extra quiet around here until sometime Saturday night!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Still Waiting . . . .

Still waiting for the "new" laptop that was supposedly ordered on April 15 - makes one wonder how a corporation could stay in business if it took 2 months to fill orders on products which they produce all the time.  It would be different if the order were something special - requiring hands on individual construction  .. . .but . . . !

This is the loaner that I've been given.  It's new enough that when I go to save something it shows the folders and I can actually progress down the tree (that didn't happen with the old one - the first tier of folders would open then I would have to close the window - resave and the remaining folders would open!)  and I can have multiple windows open without the entire thing freezing - and I can change between the open windows - how early 21st century! 

This is fine for now but I'm looking forward to the new laptop with it's docking station and all.

PS Did I mention that this laptop is wireless and sees the public network easily??  :>)

More Dreams . . .

I don't know why I continue to do it - but I do.  On a semi-regular basis I check online for my grandmother's house.  Not long ago (Feb. 10) the house was listed for sale in foreclosure for $14,500 - yes really!  Today I checked and it's again for sale - this time for $44,500. Still not a horrible price - so I read the description - and it said that there was a new roof, paint and siding - but a check of the pictures showed NONE of that - so someone isn't being honest - I would hate that the siding was replaced - I understand it but would hate it.  New roof for sure!  And paint goes without saying!

Humm - wonder if I bought it could I take an old picture and have the siding copied??  Such silly thoughts - but I do love that house!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week's End

A new laptop arrived on Thursday - and, after getting my desktop, email and other program settings back almost to normal, I was able to work with "my" stuff around me!  I must say I enjoyed working in the workroom - not sure how much they enjoyed having me there! 

We were able to talk with people about our new staffing - and now have to work quickly to get a new schedule finalized - time is passing so quickly that July 1 is going to be here before we know it!

Went out to shop for some new clothes (I HATE shopping for clothes) and was able to take advantage of the continual Kohl's sales!! Got two new blouses along with 2 new T-shirts.  Hopefully, with what I have, this will do for a while.  Also got a pair of shoes - needed those too - just another example of how much I dislike shopping for my clothes (don't mind going clothes shopping for anyone else!). 

Anyway - once every couple of months I make the trek to Kohls and always find something (and am ever greatful for the new one at Landstown . . . don't have to go to Pembroke anymore!!).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Work Computer . . . RIP

Well, today my (almost) 7 year old work computer breathed it's last and was taken away.
When I tried to log in this morning I got a strange message that Windows couldn't find the domain . . . or that my account might be inactive.  Since I could sign in to other computers, I was fairly sure my account was fine and the computer itself was the problem.  Sure enough - it was the ol' thing. 

I was really hoping that it would hold out until the new one came - our new laptops are due soon . . . but such was not to be.  Hopefully I'll have a loaner tomorrow - and that will last until our brand, spanking new one arrives!!

*SIGH*  It's very strange having to use another computer . . . luckily we had people out today so there was a computer available! 

Monday, May 31, 2010


What a terrific weekend this has been . . .

Sunday night I had a call from my sister-in-law (a wonderful person :) ) who said that my brother wanted to talk to me!! We had a short but really nice talk - he sounds good  - almost like himself, just a bit slower.  It was SO fantastic to hear his voice!!

Then Monday - I got a picture text of my brother up and about in the hospital.  Looking VERY good especially considering all the problems he's had . . .

All-in-all - great and wonderful news . . . prayers and positive thoughts continue to flow constantly to Florida . .

Flags In

Every year at Memorial Day, the 3rd Army places flags on ALL the graves at Arlington National Cemetery.  This year "Flags In" was Thursday, May 27 and took approximately 3 hours.

The 3rd Army is aided by Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard members who are part of the honor guards for funerals at Arlington.

Flags will be removed Tuesday morning . . .  Thank you to all the men and women who put out and pick up the flags . . . and thank you to all who have served and given so much to make the United States the country that it is.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Change NOW

What a day . . . there are many changes and adaptations that are needed and needed quickly because the new fiscal year starts soon.  Changes that seem minor impact so many things - tentacles are everywhere!  And while a lot of work was done prior to now there were many things that couldn't be done until the budget was finalized.

So madness has set in . . . everything will work out, everything will get done - but in the here and now it's a lot of work and angst!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Moods . . .

Do you sometimes feel petty, small, unworthy?  Me too.  Add insignificance and it pretty much sums up the general feeling.  I know that it isn't and never has been all about me.  Would I want it to be?  Maybe . . at least once.  But that very wish takes me back to the first sentence - - and I feel petty and small.

Just as everything is online - so are psychological tests - including depression, alcoholism, addiction and compulsion.  Interesting, although not unexpected, results.  Self knowledge is a good thing - and realizing when lows are too low, highs are too high or moods have stayed to long. 

Oh well - another weekend has ended and another work week begins. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend Reflections . . .

News from Florida continues to be positive - the relief is almost overwhelming - and the situation certainly puts the rest of my life (and problems) into perspective.  My family is what's important - my brother, my sons, the other important people in my and their lives - those are the critical things. 

Budget woes at work, staffing changes, management problems - all are problems and all require time, energy and work but compared to my brother's life they're manageable problems.  I don't want anyone from my place of work to have to leave - unfortunately I didn't make the decision, I just have to live with it.  I'm happy that none of my co-workers will lose their jobs - but I'm certainly going to miss them - a lot. I think the faster we find out the results of the surveys, movements, etc. the better we'll all be - uncertainty is what is so hard to deal with - knowing lets you plan and prepare. 

Changes aren't easy - even when it turns out that the change truly was a positive event.  We'll all get through this process, growing pains and all!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good, Better, Best

The news from Florida is both encouraging and stressful - progress is being made daily - with physical and speech therapy beginning but there's a need for bypass surgery and that's a definite concern.  Surgery has to wait until he's stronger and more healed - however, the heart is strong so that's a positive to celebrate!

I refuse to think about "bad" news so this is just good and better news - the good is that there is a solution however concerning and the better is that he's alive and getting better.  In fact, that's the best news. 

Miracles do happen and this has been one - I'll continue to be cautious and ever hopeful but miracles do happen.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Reflections on a Lifetime

May 8, 2010 The First 60 Years

I was born 5 years after V-E day which was May 8, 1945 (you do the math)! When I was born, Harry Truman was the President – the Korean War was underway.

When I was a child National Airport had propeller planes and we used to go there to the Observation Deck to watch take offs and landings! In 1958 the first jet arrived.

The first Presidential election I remember was in 1960 (Eisenhower was President from 1952 to 1960 so I thought he had always been there!!). Like many others, I was enamored with the Kennedys and was glued to the television for 3 days in 1963 when President Kennedy was killed. Less than a year later, my father died and had a military funeral at Arlington.

The Cold War was a big part of my life as a child. We lived right outside DC, which everyone knew was a target. We did “duck and cover” exercises during school until I was in high school when, for some reason, it stopped. I remember a drill during PE – we’d just finished our showers and were “ducking and covering” under the benches by the lockers – wrapped in tiny towels with bare bums out! My father had a special card that would get him out of town – I think he was to go to Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio – but the family had to stay. Once I went to Intermediate School I worried that if something happened, my brother, my mother and I would all be in different places and wouldn’t be together at the end. Talk about stress levels! The Cuban Missile Crisis certainly ramped things up a bit – we were close to DC and the missiles of October could reach that far! It was frightening to see my parents so concerned – nightly news and press conferences and Presidential speeches – all became regular parts of the evening.

I was glued to the television again in 1969 when men first walked on the moon – pictures were grainy and black and white but so exciting! Besides, President Nixon had given federal employees the day off to watch the moon landing – and I was working that summer for the Department of the Navy!

Throughout the sixties I watched the Vietnam War unfold on television – Huntley and Brinkley (NBC) and Walter Cronkite (CBS) broadcast it in living color right at dinner time. I was married in 1972 and then left alone as my new husband was deployed on the last East Coast ships sent to the South China Sea. The war was winding down but that didn’t stop the worrying! Two children arrived in the 70s, along with more deployments and several moves.

I have tried to keep up with technology over the years. My first computer was an Apple IIGS we bought in 1985 – in 1992 my kids and I got a PC that had Windows 3.1 (Woot!!). Now there are about 7 computers in the house (2 are mine!!) and most are laptops and wireless!! I got personal email in 1996 or so – now I have two personal accounts (actually 3 but I don’t use the 3rd) plus the work email. I now have a blog, use a wiki and have accounts on MySpace (which I haven’t visited in a long time) and Facebook (which I use daily). I have a Twitter account but, honestly, my life isn’t that important and I don’t care about most of the Tweets!! I have a smart phone (Blackberry) and text and email with it much more than I use it as a telephone! I keep in touch with my sons more via text than telephone!

Only a short look at 60 years - but a start!  Here's to the next 60 - a lot of changes yet to come.

For reasons not fully explored, this Mother's Day is more difficult than last Mother's Day which was the first without my mother.   It probably has a lot to do with my birthday - which ushers in a new decade for me - and my brother's problems, which has focused my thoughts on my own mortality. 

Whatever the reason - it is harder this year - - - so, for all of you who still have your Mothers - cherish the time (even the times they drive you crazy) and for those, like me, without your Mother - cherish the memories!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Good news keeps coming . . . and I am so relieved.  I know that my brother and his family have a long road ahead of them but it has been nothing short of a miracle . . . a week ago the prognosis was so poor and evaluations were being done and this week he's awake, responsive and in physical and speech therapy.

He's a very lucky man - and I'm very lucky too. 

Having to face one's own mortality when a parent dies is one thing - facing the possibility of having a younger sibling not around any more is almost more than can be borne.  Thankfully I'm not facing that prospect!

Keep positive thoughts and prayers flowing to him and his family . . . they need it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sleep . . . elusive

Sleep has been elusive during the past week - since last Wednesday in fact.  As long as progress continues to be made maybe sleep will come more easily.

I sure hope so . . . . 

Monday, May 3, 2010


Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted. ~Paul Pearshall

. . . .  so true

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Today I'm very greatful to Facebook . . . I have kept track of my brother's progress after his heart attack via Facebook - luckily my niece has been posting updates and, even luckier, she friended me some time ago.

I called Friday morning and was told that they'd contact me with updates - - - so I haven't called again.  I know they're very stressed and I realize that I'm very low on the importance list . . . so that's why I'm greatful to Facebook. 

Today the news was good . . . in fact it was outstanding . . . thank you to my niece for posting the information.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Azaleas

I sent those pictures of the azaleas to my mother last year but she never got to see them.  Actually I emailed them to my brother as I did many of the pictures I sent and he'd take his laptop to her house to show her . . . but it wasn't to be with the azaleas.

Mom died a year ago tomorrow - and this year when the azaleas bloomed in April, as they always do, I thought of the pictures she never got to see.  They're fading now . . . more green leaves than blooms on some of the bushes . . .  but they'll always remind me of Mom.

Positive thoughts and prayers to my brother & his family . . . fight hard . . . we're waiting for you!  All the love . . .

Friday, April 30, 2010

Pain, Sorrow, Fear

My brother is in the hospital - he had a heart attack Wednesday afternoon and has been in a coma since then.  My sister-in-law called about 10:30 Wednesday night and my life (not to mention hers) hasn't been the same since.  When she called, A said that it didn't look good - the neurologist was going to re-evaluate Thursday.  It's now Friday and the prognosis is still very guarded. 

When my mother and father brought home my baby brother from the hospital in Colorado Springs, my mother said that I ran to him and stated very firmly that he was "my baby".  (I was 16 months old at the time!)  Since then we've lived most of our adult lives in different parts of this state and others.  We didn't see each other all that often - but I always knew that he was there and would help however he could and I can only hope that he knew the same thing about me.  After he retired, my brother and sister-in-law moved to Florida and lived near my mother.  I saw them more whenever I visited Mom. 

Mom died a year ago (this coming Sunday) and the irony is not lost on me.  My brother shouldered all of the work surrounding Mom's care (and my step-father's before his death in 2004).  He finally had his life to himself - he and A could take vacations, trips or just do nothing without having to worry about anyone else.  His daughter was engaged in January and his son was engaged just a month or so ago.  So much to live for, so much fun in the future.

No one ever said life was fair - but this simply SUCKS big time.  I'm trying very very hard to remain hopeful and I know that my brother is a strong person but I'm really, really afraid.  I don't know if anyone reads this - but if you stumble across it - please say a prayer or send good vibes to my brother - he needs them and so do I.

"He's My Baby" - love you T - always have and always will . . . be better soon . . .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Time Passages . . .

Two weeks until a big milestone in my life - you know I never thought of myself being this age - I don't know why - I always did see myself as grown up, a mother, an adult - but never a "senior citizen".  *SIGH*

Well I'm not the kind to live in the past
The years run too short and the days too fast
The things you lean on are the things that don't last
Well it's just now and then my line gets cast into these
Time passages
There's something back here that you left behind
Oh time passages
Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight
......................Al Stewart

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Uncertainty and Waiting

We're getting closer and closer to budget passage time. The final budget vote is May 11, however, after May 4 things are about complete. In fact I would say that by the end of next week things will be pretty close to finalized.

There's a lot of uncertainty in the air – are hours changing? Are people going to be moved around? How will those choices be made? Who will be left? All the unknowns lead to more and more stress and upset – change is hard enough, not knowing and having to wait for what seems like forever makes it just that much harder.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

40 Years . . .

I remember well what I was doing when Apollo 13 launched - I was home from college, it was Saturday, and doing laundry (probably)! I remember even more what I was doing 6 days later - watching news coverage and holding my breath that they would splash down safely.  Thankfully they did and the whole nation breathed a sigh of relief!

Dixie Carter . . . May '39 - April '10

RIP Dixie - I loved Designing Women and especially Julia Sugarbaker!

I always wanted to be that self-assured - maybe I need(ed) better writers - doing my own scripts simply didn't (doesn't) work as well!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

News and How I Get It

I stopped getting the newspaper delivered some time ago - it was piling up and going unread more than it was being read - and, by the time I did read it, the news was old.  So my news reading is now done online.

I must say that the experience is entirely different!  I used to enjoy sitting down with the paper - opening the sections, snapping the pages in half and settling in (however, I've discovered our paper is now MUCH smaller that it used to be and not only in the amount of content - but the actual physical size of the page - not nearly as satisfying!)  The online version gives the same information (without many of the pictures but that's ok) along with comments from readers.

I read the comments (even those from people I consider to be on the fringe or even over the edge) but I don't find that they add a lot to the discourse.  Many are rants, many are totally off-topic and most contain extensive misspellings (a pet peeve). 

Recently the news concerning the budget has been in the news.  MPOW is a small portion of the overall budget and that part is not getting a lot of play (which may or may not be a good thing) but there are cuts and recommendations for revenue increases that have elicited a great deal of ire among the commenters.  I'm not certain what I think about all the coverage - I know what we're giving up and I know what the additional revenue will provide - but I am also a resident of this locale - and I'm not sure that I want increases in my tax rates either. 

This economic mess has been horrible - we've been lucky here, we've not been dramatically affected until now - and it may just be that drastic efforts are needed all around.  I'm willing to do my part as long as everyone has to participate! 

Anyway - days of my getting a daily newspaper are over - but I'm still uncertain that the online version is a truly acceptable alternative.  Maybe I'd be happier if the comments added to the story and provided thoughtful discourse - but, based on what I've been reading, that's just not going to happen.

Friday, April 2, 2010

So Sad . . . .

This was my grandmother's house (and before that my great-grandparent's house).

My grandmother has been gone for a long time - and I've watched the house from afar - a few years ago it was listed for $130,000.   In January (this year) I saw it was in foreclosure and listed for $29,000.

Today I checked (I was REALLY tempted at $29,000!) and saw this:

110 College St Holly MI 48442

4 beds, 1.0 baths, 1,462 sq ft

Recently Sold: $14,150

Really??? $14,150????  I'm really tempted to contact the new owner and offer $20,000 to see if they'll take it.  I know the house will/does need a lot of work - but I've always loved that house - and I've paid more for a car than this person did for this house.

SAD . . . I'm very sad.

People . . .

I don't understand people most of the time and I truly don't understand some people any of the time!  Makes doing a job in customer service more difficult once in a while but usually the confusion about people isn't about customers or people who are only marginally known - it's more common that the confusion concerns those known longer or (seemingly) better.

It begs the question - how well do we know those whom we consider "close" or, at the very least, friends?  And, once those bonds are broken, for whatever reason, the damage can be quite extensive for some people, particularly those who truly believed that they did "know" the person.  Luckily, unless the other person involved is part of my family, I tend not to be as emotionally involved.  That doesn't lessen feelings of disappointment and incredulity when something happens but it does tend to greatly lessen  feelings of betrayal, loss and pain.

I understand when others are affected by the results of another's actions but I don't have a great deal of sympathy (or empathy) for those who caused this collateral pain by their actions.  I have always enjoyed psychology . . studying it and reading about it . . but, while why someone does something is interesting, there has to be REALLY extenuating circumstances before I'm pulled in emotionally.  I'm much more likely to say "what were you thinking?" or "were you actually thinking?" or "was your head with you ALL day?" than I am to say "you must have been really confused" or whatever.  (Probably the reason I never went into counseling huh??!!)

Once a situation has been resolved, I don't lose sleep, stop eating (that might be a plus . . . humm . . . ) or really think about the actions or the person commiting them.  It's done, move on.  But I do ponder the abstract WHY behind the actions - but not too long!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Story Times

This morning I accompanied a coworker to outreach story time.  She and a former coworker have been going to this outreach for four years - and have seen many children over those years.

Today it was my honor to go with her - to meet the children and see what's been going on for so long.  There are actually 4 classes which come together in two programs - and the kids were great!! They were engaged and participated in the songs and stories.

It was obvious that my coworker loves doing the storytimes and I enjoyed going with her.  A good time!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cool Idea . . .

from the Digital Inspiration: A Technology Blog

Keeping your cords in check with binder clips - low tech and very effective!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Time . . .

Spring is definitely coming to VB - the weather is warmer and the SUN is out!  I know it's still a little early but we're anticipating 70s this weekend - a definite improvement over the 50s and lower of late.

Many changes are taking place around me - all change is upsetting, even change you're anticipating or expecting but when it's unexpected it can be more of a challenge.  I'm very hopeful that things will calm down over time but I'm really afraid that the timeline is going to be longer than anyone (especially me) wants it to be.

Luckily I have family, friends and co-workers (whom I also count as my friends by the way) who will make the transitions easier - I only hope that I can help them the same way.  As my mother used to say - tie another knot in the rope and hang on . . . ok Mom - but it seems as if the rope is getting shorter - might not be able to take another knot!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

VARK Questionnaire

An interesting survey that tells how you learn best - visually, written word, etc.  It only takes a few minutes to answer the questions and get your answer.

Does your answer match your expectations??  Mine did!  I have a VERY strong read/write preference!!

Your scores were:
  • Visual: 0
  • Aural: 1
  • Read/Write: 12
  • Kinesthetic: 3

Busy Busy Busy

Busy day yesterday -  I bought my house again for about the 4th time!  How could I do that you ask??  I refinanced of course! 

A relatively easy process this time - application online, all conversations (except the appraisal ) were by telephone - faxing needed documents.  (FINDING the needed documents took a bit of doing but that's simply a reflection of my continuing inability to organize my life . . . SIGH) The only hitch was having to call the VA for a necessary piece of paper - initially a daunting task, but, thanks to a wonderful pensions benefits VA employee easily and quickly accomplished with yet another fax from the VA to the mortgage company.  Last minute reprieve!!

Closing done with only 30 minutes leave required and I'm left with a CD instead of stacks of legal and letter papers to find a place to store. 

Maybe this will be the last time - 'tho I believe I've said that before.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gloomy News

Things don't look promising for the next fiscal year - there are reports in the paper that real estate assessments are down over 5% starting in July - that means even less money for things that are important and for those things that are niceities. 

I guess we were lucky for a long time in this area - we weren't horribly affected (there were cuts and all but by and large things went along fairly normally) until now - now there's talk of significant cuts in city services as well as new fees (garbage collection fees for example).  Everything is going to be different - and in turmoil - for some time.  And, based on the news the past few days, I don't think it's going to be better next year either. 

I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for better fiscal news in the future.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Long Week

It's been a long week - and filled with bad news!  The Governor has decided that massive cuts are necessary in the state's budget and I'm worried about what the affects will be on MPOW.  Unfortunately things don't look good - and the "last resort" budget work that has been done might actually have to be implemented. 


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here Comes the Snow, Again!

Another snowy day in Virginia Beach - what an unusual winter this has turned out to be!  We go for years without any snow and this year we've had back to back to back storms and even measurable accumulation!!  But today it's snow showers which are pretty to watch and don't stick to the roads and cause problems!

Lately I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. Kind of like going downhill (fast) on a moving sidewalk that suddenly stops and switches direction with no notice!  So far I've been able to stop myself from falling but . . . don't know how I'm going to get back on track - probably will require a LOT of help. But I WILL get back on track!!  (PS I'm using a Library 2.0 lesson graphic I created!! :-) )

In the meantime - Happy Valentine's Day to all friends & family -

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl 2010

 It probably would be a better game if I actually cared about either team - alas I do not!  I actually haven't cared about any team playing the in Superbowl for some time ... probably because I don't watch football!  :-)

(and don't make any inference from the relative sizes of the logos - just the way they worked out!!)

I will say that I normally enjoy the commercials  -  although last year wasn't nearly as good as previous years.  Always look forward to the Budweiser commercials - and I've heard that there aren't any Pepsi commercials this year - not a big loss to me!

There are Law and Order and Law and Order Special Victims marathons - so there WILL be something to watch in between the commercials!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cracked Heat Exchanger

I am the proud owner of a new gas pack (furnace/ac unit) for downstairs.  Last weekend, during the snow of the decade, the heat went off - then later came back on.  It did that twice more. 

The heating people came out Wednesday morning - we were thinking that the gas regulator had debris or maybe water in the gas line that had frozen - causing the furnance to trip.  It wasn't until the technician took the cover off of the unit that he found the REAL problem - it's never good when an HVAC technician says "uh oh"!! 

Replacing the exchanger was possible - but would cost almost as much as an entire new unit and the rest of the unit would have probably needed replacing within a year or two - so the decision was made - REPLACEMENT!  Of course the unit had to be off until replaced - carbon monoxide ya know!

They arrived at 9 and were finished by 12 - ripped out the old one and got the new one in, complete with a fancy programmable thermostat - how 21st century of us!

I'm just glad that the heat is back on - by using the fireplace and a portable heater we were able to keep the heat about 62 but that's a BIT lower than normal! 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Snow Snow

Prediction - 8-12 inches of snow in Virginia Beach - RIGHT.  Prediction - snow starting Friday night and lasting all day Saturday - RIGHT - VB closed all libraries Saturday and Sunday - OK now you're just being silly!

BUT all of those things are true!  Well, mostly true.  The snow didn't start until very early Saturday morning but it's now 2 p.m. and it's still coming down.  (I have a video but need to get it off the phone and onto YouTube first!)  And yesterday the City did decide to close the libraries - WOW that's monumental!  (Although they did close one other day for some weather event (don't remember what) that never materialized!)  This one was spot-on though and I'm very glad that no one had to struggle in to work only to close early and be forced to take life in hand to get home (have done that before and it's REALLY no fun!).

It's absolutely beautiful out there and I'm very glad that I'm snug inside - time for a nap??!! 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Future View??

This week has been interesting – after the luggage arrived home on Tuesday that is! – it's been a view of what retirement might be like. Not having to get up in the morning – not having much of anything that has to be done. (There's plenty to do but I can't seem to get the ambition to actually do any of it – I am planning to at least LOOK at the mess in the living room!!)

I'm not sure I can do this every day – I mean really – West Wing reruns only capture me for so long – so I guess I'd be compelled to look for something outside the house to do – WORK! I don't want full-time and I don't want to continue working part-time at MPOW. If I stay there I might as well be paid my full salary!

I don't remember ever thinking about being old enough to retire – let alone getting old enough to retire! But here I am.

PS I applied to refinance the house – it's all done online – very strange – no one to talk to! We'll have to see how it goes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Vacation Weekend

We just got back from a long weekend visiting family in Jacksonville FL - and it was great seeing everyone   - HOWEVER - the trip there and back was NOT!!

It all started Thursday - when it was raining here but REALLY raining in Atlanta and Jacksonville.  We were booked on a flight that left Norfolk about 6:30 p.m. (allowing one of us to finish working that day).  When we got to the airport the flight before ours was delayed because of a mechanical problem - about 1 hour.  Our flight was originally ontime and then delayed because of weather (it was coming from Atlanta).  Because the later departure time for our plane would cause us to miss our connecting flight, we were rebooked onto the delayed flight (now leaving at 6:30 - close to our original time!).  So far so good - however, 6:30 comes and goes and we're moved en mass back to our original flight (now leaving at 7:30).  There went the connecting flight - so we were rebooked on a later flight (supposed to leave at 10:45 or so).  We finally left Norfolk at 8:05 and took off for Atlanta.  A flight that normally takes about 1.5 hours took 2.5 hours.  We landed at 10:30 p.m. (remember that flight leaving at 10:45??).  They actually held the plane for us (there were about 30 of us really) and we took off about 11:15 for Jacksonville.  We arrived about midnight - a couple of minutes AFTER the rental car agency closed and WITHOUT a suitcase because, although we could run from one gate to another (in a different terminal!!), the lugguage apparently could not.  At first the airline was unsympathetic until we mentioned the flight number that was delayed by mechanical problems making us so late and we got a room at the airport hotel and two "courtesy" packs (nice T-shirt).  The next morning, after the complimentary breakfast, we picked up the suitcase, and car and off we went.

Fast forward to today (Monday).  We get to the airport and all is beautiful in Jax - however, there are storms that passed through Jax and Atlanta last night that were now pounding NY and MA.  Once again our plane to Atlanta is delayed - about 30 minutes - which made our connection "iffy" but doable according to the gate agent.  Anyway - we left even later than scheduled (there was a full plane and EVERYONE seemed to have multiple carry on bags) and we landed at Atlanta at 6:25 - with our next plane leaving at 6:59.  We came into B3 and were to leave from B10 - but the plane was full and NO ONE was letting anyone off to make a connection!  We literally ran down the corridor and lept on the plane (the gate was empty and the ticket agent was ready to close).  Got in the seat, settled and and off we went.  We actually landed in Norfolk 15 minutes early!  We were deplaned and walking toward baggage claim at 8:30 when the plane was due in at 8:44.  At baggage claim - we waited - and YET AGAIN the luggage hadn't made the trek that we had.

So we're home but the luggage isn't.  *SIGH*  It might come in tonight at 11:30 or tomorrow.   We can go back tomorrow about 8:30 to see if it's here (NOT) or they'll bring it out tomorrow.  Guess it's lucky that I took more leave so I can stay and wait for it.  I did hear someone else say that "Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive" is the actual definition of this particular airline.

I can guarantee that I'm not using them again - EVER - unless it's the only airline to fly somewhere and it's essential that I get there and even then I'm going to search EVERYWHERE else for alternatives!

(And don't ask about the hotel!!  'Tho not as complicated as the flight, it did have it's own issues.  All in all, an interesting mini-vacation!!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Holiday Weekend

I've had the last 3 day holiday that we get at MPOW until Memorial Day in May and I managed to get a cold and spend most of the time sick.  *sigh* 

I was at work on Friday and didn't feel great but certainly not sick - figured it was more sinus problem brought on by weather going from 30+ to 60 in a couple of days.  By Saturday I had a tickle cough but went to the grocery story (careful to cough into my elbow when I had to cough) but by Saturday night there was no doubt!

Coughing commenced and by Monday my ribs were sore!  Luckily I could sleep and I think that's why I'm feeling better so fast - still coughing (not nearly as much but still violently at times) but feeling much better.  I did stay home today but have a full day of meetings tomorrow.  The rooms are large enough for me to sit away from other team members!

Here's hoping the rest of the week goes better than the beginning!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pondering more than Musing . . .

Over the past year I've often thought about why this format has such appeal for me - why I've continued to blog after the end of our Library 2.0 training - because normally I'm not much of a diarist.  As a tween I loved the idea of a diary - the small, one page per day book complete with small lock and key - what wasn't to like?  However, the actuality wasn't as great as the thought - for one thing I had (have!) a younger brother who did find one such small book [not that there was much in it!] and {HORRORS} read it!  Somehow keeping a written record of my thoughts was less appealing!  (so now it's online for anyone to stumble across - now where's the logic in that!!)

I have a diary (paper) somewhere - I started it at the time I was expecting my first child - it initially ended shortly after his birth - it was VERY obvious that the care of a newborn was much more labor intensive than I had initially thought!!  That book had later entries of important events in my life but over the intervening years, entries were sparse and widely separated.

Then came the Internet and Library 2.0 and I discovered that online diaries were much more fun and easy to do!  Perhaps because I never thought my handwriting was as good as my mother's and, being a perfectionist, I wanted all my entries to be perfect - including the color of the ink (I know, I know).  Electronics solved that problem and made errors (and they occur often) easy to correct without it looking as if there was a correction (have I mentioned perfectionism?).  Not to mention "Preview" which helps detect those errors before anyone else can possibly see them.

So here I am - at the start of year 3 of this missive still contemplating why I'm continuing to post.  Cathartic perhaps?  Fun definitely!

A True End of an Era

Miep Gies died yesterday.  She was 100 years old.  She was a true hero.  That word - hero - gets a lot of use these days - most of it [in my opinion] not warranted.  Athletes, politicians, all are considered "heros" today, but Miep Gies proved her heroism in a time when being a hero meant putting yourself in danger - actual physical danger - something athletes and politicians certainly don't do.

Miep was the last of the "protectors" of the Frank family in Amsterdam during World War II.  She and the others brought food and companionship to the Franks, the van Damms and the others in the Annex after the families went into hiding to avoid deportation to the camps.  After the annex was raided and everyone sent off to the concentration camps, Miep found Anne's notebooks and notes.  After the war, Miep gave the notebooks to Mr. Frank (the only survivor) and then was born "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" and history was, indeed, made.

Millions have read the book, seen the play or the movie.  It was one of the books I remember most from when I was young  and, other than books on horses, was probably one of the first non-fiction books I had read! I think I read it first when I was about 10 - [a few short years after it was published!] - and it had a profound impact on me.  I give it credit for stimulating a life-long love of history because I couldn't believe that something so horrible had actually happened. I began devouring everything I could find about World War II. Anne was also a girl - and that was important too - because most of the "adventure" stories [and this was, to a 10 year old removed from the events an adventure] - were boy books, with boy characters. 

Over the years I've often wondered what I would have done had I been in certain situations.  Years ago, I imagined that I was in Anne's place - how would my family have coped?  Later, as I grew up, I was in Miep's (and the other protectors) place - would I have had the courage, the conviction to do what I knew was right in the face of such overwhelming terror and consequences??  I like to think the answer is yes - but, luckily, I've never been put in such a situation so I really can't say for sure.

RIP Miep Gies - you truly have a special place in my life.

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 - Week 1

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a weekly rehash of 2010 - mostly because I know I don't have the dedication or maliciousness to bore anyone, including myself, with a weekly rehash of life, work and anything else!

I don't know exactly what I expected from 2010 - after all it's a man-made number on a piece of paper and not a cosmic event (beyond the regular rotation around the sun) - but the reality of the first week is leaving me a bit underwhelmed! 

I tend to think the best of everyone - I can be sarcastic but not really cynical - and I expect (hope?) people to be good and do good for the most part.  And I don't know why I'm always surprised and disappointed when that doesn't happen - SIGH.  Peoples is funny - they're also confusing, annoying and just plain CRAZY!! (PS yes, I do include myself in "peoples" in case there was any question about that!)

I seem to be running faster and faster and yet getting further and further behind - everywhere - home, work - DOUBLE SIGH.  I'm certain that things will eventually right themselves and life will even out somewhat - but the road to that end is increasingly bumpy and I can only hope that the shocks on the vehicle going down the road are equal to the task.

Enough of week 1 - getting a bit maudlin and that's just gotta end!