Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy busy busy

It's been a busy few weeks . . . seems like I'm always on the go and yet not accomplishing much of anything!  We're going into the holiday season which isn't exactly my favorite time of year . . . November was the month I got married and the month my mother was born . . . December was my Dad's birth month . . . lots of loss and yet a lot of hope too.

Today I actually did accomplish something, although I'd have preferred not to have to have done it - I tackled the DMV and was able to get the temporary handicapped placard for my son.  It will let us park close to buildings legally and make getting to his doctor's appointments easier.  (I say legally because I have used another placard once it a while before I got this one but now we're legit!!)

I have many things for which to be thankful - more than I can appreciate most days. . . my sons are alive and will be whole once again.  My brother and his family are doing well (he's progressing very well and for that alone I am extremely thankful every day).  My guy and his family are doing well . .  my bills are paid (well mostly!! :) ) and the animals are healthy. 

Life is, for the most part, very good.  I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving - enjoying family, friends and good times.

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