Saturday, November 29, 2008

Post Thanksgiving.

I have a great deal to be thankful for this (and most) years and I try to remember that every day not just on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was a nice day - we had a good dinner with good company - all the usual fixings and I easily resisted Black Friday.  There is NOTHING that I want badly enough to get up at 4 a.m. to buy.  I don't like crowds and I don't like mornings well enough I guess!

Today was busy at work and everyone pitched in to get things done - lots in the bookdrops (drive up and walk up) and lots of deliveries too.  We didn't get all the back issues of the newspapers out but we did manage today's papers! 

Now I can look forward to the next two days off - I get Monday because Friday was my normal day off!  It really doesn't matter why, I'm just glad there are two more days!  Lots to do in December - and even more in January but that's what makes life interesting!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Feels Like Winter . . . at last!!

Wow - this week has been COLD!!  Even had to break out the winter coat!  Unfortunately it was at work (I'd worn it one day when it was raining because it has a hood) so the morning meeting was REALLY cold - and the room was a fridge (or so it seemed)! It certainly felt good when I got to work and was able to wear the jacket home!!

Today was a sweatshirt with turtleneck day (which did make it a bit harder when I remembered it was also Flu Shot Day)!! In fact the news reported that there were snow flakes seen in Virginia Beach today - I didn't see them but I would think they'd have been some of the earliest ones!

It's also my mother's 86th birthday -  Happy Birthday Mom!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back at Work and Other Problems . . .

It's a bad time economically everywhere and I guess I thought we'd weather the crisis better than some other areas because we do have such a large military base that will continue to be paid and who, for the most part, pay rent and mortgages - but maybe it will be worse than I imagined. 

There are going to be even more changes at work - people moving, positions not being filled, general cutbacks.  Even more reason to be thankful that we've got some nation-wide changes coming - not that any one man can "fix" this mess! 

One wish - PLEASE no more Sarah Palin - I'm totally tired of her and the whole family.  Can she stop talking to everyone with a video camera?  Can can the networks and cable news shows stop showing all the film??  Please???  Pretty Please????  SIGH . . .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Veteran’s Day – a Little Late

I know it's a day late, but I hope everyone had a good Veteran's Day and took at least a minute to think of all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and everyone else who's served the USA during times of strife and times of peace.

Since it's the day after Veteran's Day, I'm at the airport waiting to go home – and, as usual, it's a bittersweet moment. I don't like leaving my mother here and do have to get down here more quickly than I did last year – but it's always good to go home!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Beaches, feet and more . . .

Well I saw the Gulf of Mexico again - large expanses of pure white sand and VERY calm waters!  I smelled the salty air - so now I can say I went to the beach in Florida!  It's still absolutely beautiful - about 75 and just perfect weather. 

We're having my mother's birthday dinner tomorrow - a week early - but should be fun. She and I went out today for pedicures - a first for me! Again a good time tho it took longer than I anticipated lifting wheel chairs and such but she did very well! 

I am looking forward to going home -I miss my bed and my TV!  Such a baby am I!

Disconnected . . .

It's Saturday and, aside from my phone which receives email, I've been disconnected for one day! And it's amazing how much I've come to rely on being able to have information at my fingertips . . . and not only at my fingertips but available 24/7. Oh well it's not the end of the world now is it – but might be good practice for a power outage . . . thank goodness for the generator!!

The weather has been beautiful – high 70s and breezy. Simply lovely. I hope to be able to get to the beach – maybe for a little while tomorrow – just to say I've been. I live in a place with Beach in its name and work 5 blocks away from the ocean and never go – so maybe I can go here!

I have gotten some information about family – not much but if I don't ask now I might never get it – so there's another avenue of searching – I'm not sure who'll be interested in any of this research in the future but I enjoy doing it!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Ok – I was thoroughly disgusted that ORF (Norfolk Airport) charged for Internet access – it wasn't a great deal but more the principal of the thing! Then I get to Jacksonville with enough time to actually do something online or at least pass the time online and their network would only give limited access. Now the computer logs on easily at home and had no trouble at Norfolk so I'm thinking the problem is with the Jacksonville Airport's network – BAH!! I'll check again at Tampa – I'll need a break in travel and I do need to make sure it's the network and not the computer (I don't have good experience with built-in wireless!) but this one is WAY too new to be messing up this bad!
Hopefully I'll get to post this sometime today!
4 pm – Bradenton Florida – computer effortlessly connected to a wireless network so obviously the problem was not with the computer – deep sigh of relief!
Weather is beautiful here – about 80 and sunny (of course). Flights were good and, since the Enterprise agency had "lots" of Priuses I got one of those – WOW what a different experience! But interesting! Not really comfortable seating for a longish trip but great around town. Shouldn't need much gas that's for sure!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Beginnings

Time to find out who's going to be in the cabinet - very interesting times!  I've been watching re-runs of West Wing (still one of my favorite TV shows) - it offers interesting insights since the recent shows have been dealing with the election of Bartlett's replacement!  That Sorkin guy was good!!

On my way to Florida tomorrow for an overdue visit with Mom - she's doing well but I really shouldn't have put off the trip this long.  It's supposed to be nice down there the next few days - about 80 - so it should be nice.  I do need to take something a little warmer because it will probably be in the 50s when I get back (in the evening!). 

Need to figure out what to pack - computer for sure - although finding access will mean trips to cafes! Decisions, decisions!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5, 2008

WOW - way to go Virginia!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Parking Lot @ 7:15 a.m. November 4, 2008

Getting to work was easy - people weren't on the road - they were waiting in line to vote!  This is the parking lot at my place of work at 7:15 a.m. - luckily someone left as I got there so I found a place to park - but it was exciting to see everyone so energized by this election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Civic Duty

PLEASE GO VOTE - It's THAT important.