Over the past year I've often thought about why this format has such appeal for me - why I've continued to blog after the end of our Library 2.0 training - because normally I'm not much of a diarist. As a tween I loved the idea of a diary - the small, one page per day book complete with small lock and key - what wasn't to like? However, the actuality wasn't as great as the thought - for one thing I had (have!) a younger brother who did find one such small book [not that there was much in it!] and {HORRORS} read it! Somehow keeping a written record of my thoughts was less appealing! (so now it's online for anyone to stumble across - now where's the logic in that!!)
I have a diary (paper) somewhere - I started it at the time I was expecting my first child - it initially ended shortly after his birth - it was VERY obvious that the care of a newborn was much more labor intensive than I had initially thought!! That book had later entries of important events in my life but over the intervening years, entries were sparse and widely separated.
Then came the Internet and Library 2.0 and I discovered that online diaries were much more fun and easy to do! Perhaps because I never thought my handwriting was as good as my mother's and, being a perfectionist, I wanted all my entries to be perfect - including the color of the ink (I know, I know). Electronics solved that problem and made errors (and they occur often) easy to correct without it looking as if there was a correction (have I mentioned perfectionism?). Not to mention "Preview" which helps detect those errors before anyone else can possibly see them.
So here I am - at the start of year 3 of this missive still contemplating why I'm continuing to post. Cathartic perhaps? Fun definitely!
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