Monday, June 21, 2010

June's Almost Over

It's almost the end of the month and the start of all the new things that are happening because of the new budget . . . reduced hours, reduced staff, so many changes.

We'll get through everything - but this change is going to be harder than some others - even positive changes can be hard and these are anything but positive for many people.

This evening, I waved goodbye to Don (and my truck) as he left for a trip to Florida to visit family (and meet a new grandchild) with one of his daughters and three of his grand-daughters (6 months to 16 years!!).

He's taking the BIG truck so that everyone has room - and I'm driving his car - smaller but nice - and enjoying Sirius - 70s and Blue Collar Comedy. 

I know they'll have a good trip but it's going to be extra quiet around here until sometime Saturday night!

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