Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"The earth moved under my feet" but the sky didn't come tumblin down. Well, I can now say that I've been through an earthquake - certainly never thought I'd say that!!  5.9 and the building at Oceanfront shook - the lights, which hang down on rods were rocking back and forth!! And this was from an earthquake over 100 miles away!! Quite exciting - especially since there wasn't any damage or anything around here!!  Now we're preparing for Hurricane Irene which is turning out to be a much bigger storm than we've seen in many years - hopefully she'll be a nice lady and stay out to sea - but right now the forecast is for a Cat 4 at Hatteras and a strong 1 almost a 2 here.  The last hurricane we had (Isabelle in 2003) was a weak 1 and I had no power for 7 days!  SIGH

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