Thursday, January 31, 2013


Ok, I admit it - I hate exercise, I really do but I'm trying.  I started riding the stationary bike a while ago - started with 10 minutes (really bad shape!) and worked up to 15 minutes and about 3 miles. Then I decided to get serious, mainly because I'm forced to talk with a "coach" and exercise should help with one of my health "issues" that caused the "coach" to begin with!

I've been riding now 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week.  I started at about 9.6 miles an hour and after 30 minutes had gone about 4.8 miles.  Well, it's been a couple of weeks and now I'm starting about 9.9 miles an hour and finishing about 12 miles an hour and going about 5.1 miles in 30 minutes (today was 5.3 miles!).  My goal with my coach was to increase the number of days I exercise to 5.  I have a month to accomplish this goal and I hope to start this week.

SO - I'm planning on the following schedule:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, either Friday or Saturday (whichever I don't work) and Sunday.  Monday I get home late and I'm just too tired!  We'll have to see how it goes!  This week I'm on day 3 and I've gone about 15 miles!  Two more days and 10 more miles to go!

It has to be beneficial - doesn't it?

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