Sunday, February 9, 2014

Time passes

It's been a long time - I'm not certain why exactly . . . but!  Found out at the end of January that my boss was retiring (can you say jealous??!!) and her last day is in a couple of weeks.  The uncertainty of change is always difficult but there is always the chance for new beginnings too.  It will be interesting to see who comes and how he or she will put his or her stamp on the place.  In the meantime, our new big boss is putting her stamp on the system and my place of work - and in a good way!

I've had my fill of snow this winter and am hopeful that the worst is past us.  I'm looking forward to spring and getting a list going of things I'd like to get done this spring - will have to prioritize because it's a pretty long list!  Cleaning the small room upstairs is definitely on the list along with removing the carpet from the stairs and upstairs hall - have to see if laminate or red oak would work best!  There's a bunch of other things too - a vacation with a friend??

#2 son is doing his student teaching this semester and it seems to be going well.  #1 son is doing well. We all went to Hampton to see my niece and her family when she was down for a friend's shower. My great-nephew is a real cutie pie and it was wonderful to see him (and his parents of course!)!! My dog is wonderful (even when I'm tired and don't think so).  She's such a sweet girl - loves people and cats. She's still very much a puppy and a bit bitey but maybe this summer we can get some formal training in - that would definitely help.  Q-man is much more comfortable with her now - he swats her when she's really annoying but that doesn't seem to bother her!

All in all, I must say that my life is going well.  Not exactly how I pictured it 30 years ago or even 5 years ago but that's ok.  New year, new beginnings - new adventures!

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