Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back at Work and Other Problems . . .

It's a bad time economically everywhere and I guess I thought we'd weather the crisis better than some other areas because we do have such a large military base that will continue to be paid and who, for the most part, pay rent and mortgages - but maybe it will be worse than I imagined. 

There are going to be even more changes at work - people moving, positions not being filled, general cutbacks.  Even more reason to be thankful that we've got some nation-wide changes coming - not that any one man can "fix" this mess! 

One wish - PLEASE no more Sarah Palin - I'm totally tired of her and the whole family.  Can she stop talking to everyone with a video camera?  Can can the networks and cable news shows stop showing all the film??  Please???  Pretty Please????  SIGH . . .

1 comment:

Susan Marziani said...

Hey there...
Welcome back from sunny and warm Florida. I'm sure everyone enjoyed yesterday but today is just downright frigid outside, brrr....

I'm with you on Sarah Palin - enough already.

See you Wednesday night!