It's Saturday and, aside from my phone which receives email, I've been disconnected for one day! And it's amazing how much I've come to rely on being able to have information at my fingertips . . . and not only at my fingertips but available 24/7. Oh well it's not the end of the world now is it – but might be good practice for a power outage . . . thank goodness for the generator!!
The weather has been beautiful – high 70s and breezy. Simply lovely. I hope to be able to get to the beach – maybe for a little while tomorrow – just to say I've been. I live in a place with Beach in its name and work 5 blocks away from the ocean and never go – so maybe I can go here!
I have gotten some information about family – not much but if I don't ask now I might never get it – so there's another avenue of searching – I'm not sure who'll be interested in any of this research in the future but I enjoy doing it!
Truly amazing how we depend on technology. I am famous for standing in front of the microwave screaming "hurry up!" Sad, but true. Please go to the beach - any beach - so you can say you've been. But I'm with you on that one - I live probably 3 miles from the oceanfront and rarely visit - at least not much in the winter.
Do have a safe trip back...ciao.
Heck. I live ONE block from the ocean and I go out a couple of times a year at most... I should be ashamed of myself.
--Dee Dee
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