Friday, November 7, 2008


Ok – I was thoroughly disgusted that ORF (Norfolk Airport) charged for Internet access – it wasn't a great deal but more the principal of the thing! Then I get to Jacksonville with enough time to actually do something online or at least pass the time online and their network would only give limited access. Now the computer logs on easily at home and had no trouble at Norfolk so I'm thinking the problem is with the Jacksonville Airport's network – BAH!! I'll check again at Tampa – I'll need a break in travel and I do need to make sure it's the network and not the computer (I don't have good experience with built-in wireless!) but this one is WAY too new to be messing up this bad!
Hopefully I'll get to post this sometime today!
4 pm – Bradenton Florida – computer effortlessly connected to a wireless network so obviously the problem was not with the computer – deep sigh of relief!
Weather is beautiful here – about 80 and sunny (of course). Flights were good and, since the Enterprise agency had "lots" of Priuses I got one of those – WOW what a different experience! But interesting! Not really comfortable seating for a longish trip but great around town. Shouldn't need much gas that's for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so concerned that you were heading to Florida because of an emergency. Then it dawned on me that you'd probably blogged about it... I'm glad everything is okay.
--Dee Dee