Friday, April 27, 2012

Another fine mess . . .

Another weekend that won't be complete - have to go in for a couple of hours to cover lunches - two unplanned absences and a position that no longer exists means that the remaining people aren't enough to let everyone have lunch unless they want to spread it over 4 hours (one person at a time) - and we're only open 7. So I'll go in and cover and lunches will be done in the regular 2 hours.  Luckily I'd taken this afternoon off - so I get two of those 4 hours back but the weekend is still messed up . . . oh well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Deep Sigh

I've been working on a particular project at work - it's going well and it's ready to move forward but I get the feeling, sometimes, that I'm moving backward or at the very least standing still.  And I'm not sure what to do about it.  Do I push or fight for something or do I just realize that I'm on the downhill side of my employment history and let it go (while still getting all my work done, of course!).  It's not in me to "retire on the job" but I'm not sure how much fight is still left - particularly when I don't see any advantage or purpose to the fight.

Anyway, between that and needing to get stuff done at home, I'm just plain tired much of the time.  It will get better I know, but for now I'm just a bit down. . .

Sunday, April 22, 2012

40 Years - Gone in a Flash

Forty years ago next month I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in History.

This picture was my senior picture - it's hard to remember that person sometimes.  I wonder what she would think about how our life turned out!

(Was finally able to get my scanner working again - should be fun to be able to digitize some pictures - it's so much easier to move things around in bits and bytes!)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Had another day off today (and one tomorrow) - I'd planned on a 4 day weekend but that didn't work out so I'll be working Saturday :(.  Oh well!  Got some things done today - not much actually - but did get groceries bought and prescriptions picked up!  It was nice having a slow start to the day, with no "have to be somewhere now" deadlines.

Have some new sheets (YAY) and need to get them on the bed tomorrow so I can throw the old ones out - they're ripped!  I've been doing baby steps with the house and there's a lot more to do - have some leads on people to fix the fence (never expected that it would be so hard to find someone!) as well as replace the front porch railings with vinyl.  Noticed that one of the shutters is cracked - but that is VERY low on the priority list!

My life is pretty boring most of the time and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another year - another filing

Finally, my taxes are done, saved and e-filed.  Will print a copy tomorrow.  Such a relief!  I don't know why I wait so long each year - especially since I had to get the last piece of the puzzle today which I know came in January but I somehow managed to misplace - it could have all be done earlier and in the bank account!  I always worry each year that I'm going to make some kind of mistake on the return and the Men in Black will show up and cart me away!  Hopefully that won't happen this year!

Next week I have a couple of days off - making a 4 day weekend and I sure will enjoy it!  Maybe I can actually get some more work done around the house!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Taxes . . . ERG

I have been dreading, and putting off, doing my taxes because I was afraid that I might have to pay this year and maybe more than I could easily handle.  I started them today (after a fight with the old computer that had prior years on it and not finding a piece of information that I need) and it looks ok.  I'll get the other information tomorrow and finish up everything - including the state - but unless things go horribly awry I shouldn't have to pay.  HAPPY DAY

Other than that it's been a nice day - lazy morning, hectic noon, and now just chilling waiting for dinner!

No chocolate bunnies for me today . . . but hope everyone else had a good Easter - complete with goodies and fun!

Friday, April 6, 2012

An emotionally charged day . . .

Today, just after I went to lunch, a huge black smoke cloud rose over the Convention Center across the street - we found out that an F/A 18 crashed into an apartment complex off of Birdneck road - just up the street from us. We watched the huge, billowing cloud from the library.

So far, we've been extremely lucky and no one, including the pilots who ejected with some injuries, have been killed.

My thoughts are with all those affected-Navy, EMS, Police, Fire, and, of course, the residents of the apartment complex.

A day later - the clean up and investigation begins.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

CIL finalized

I did a presentation today about some of the things I learned and discovered at CIL this year.  Was short - about 20 minutes, but I think it was well received!  Reviewed a few websites that I thought might be of interest and gave a sneak preview of the new policies and procedures page on VBNet.

All in all a good staff meeting!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It was a Frosty kind of evening!  

And it was GREAT!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The world of Dork

Sometimes I think the world is conspiring against me . . . I plan, I really do, and then when I go to implement the plan things go awry  and often it's because of my "planning" instead of just doing something when I could have/should have initially . . . luckily it's nothing that can't be re-done and fixed but still . . .

Anyway, all in all it was a good weekend - new "faux-wood" 2" blinds in the living room and dining room so there aren't anymore "bare-naked" windows!! The lone remaining bush has been trimmed back into submission (somewhat).

Now I just HAVE to find someone to fix the fence and do the porch railings and it's been so hard . . . people aren't returning calls or calling to set up appointments as they say they will.  I don't want much but I do have to get these things fixed . . . SIGH.  More phone calls in my future.  I don't want a letter from the City!