Thursday, April 19, 2012


Had another day off today (and one tomorrow) - I'd planned on a 4 day weekend but that didn't work out so I'll be working Saturday :(.  Oh well!  Got some things done today - not much actually - but did get groceries bought and prescriptions picked up!  It was nice having a slow start to the day, with no "have to be somewhere now" deadlines.

Have some new sheets (YAY) and need to get them on the bed tomorrow so I can throw the old ones out - they're ripped!  I've been doing baby steps with the house and there's a lot more to do - have some leads on people to fix the fence (never expected that it would be so hard to find someone!) as well as replace the front porch railings with vinyl.  Noticed that one of the shutters is cracked - but that is VERY low on the priority list!

My life is pretty boring most of the time and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

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