It's been quite an exciting week with her - she came home on July 22 - and was a good girl right away. We're going through some puppy issues but for the most part all is good. She loves her crate and goes inside all the time. She rarely fusses at night and, if it weren't for the cats, she'd sleep a lot longer! Quincy is sleeping upstairs (but that might not last much longer if he doesn't stop waking me up so early) and Cleo is downstairs in the laundry area (with a baby gate). Unfortunately, Cleo wakes up early and walks under the gate in front of Freyja's cage thus waking her up!
For the first two days she went outside on the leash beautifully - now not so much! But she does go outside (although first thing in the morning she's not thrilled with the damp grass) and hasn't had too many accidents in the house. (Last Saturday not withstanding!)
Her first vet visit was tonight. She weighs 12.2 lbs., has fleas (SIGH) and medicine, possibly a blocked tear duct (with eye drops) and was wormed. She's exhausted and I must admit so am I! It's been so long since I've had a puppy or kitten (Cleo & Quincy came grown!) that I'm feeling very much like a first time Mom and worried about everything! All in all we're going to be fine and she's going to be a joy to have around.
I'm trying to decide if I'm going to register her with AKC - her name would be Misty Ridge's Freyja.
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