Friday, March 18, 2016


It's been 10 months since I retired and I must admit that I'm enjoying the slower pace of my days.  I haven't filled my days with "stuff" in that I don't have a lot of charity events or volunteering days - I'm simply enjoying being at home and quiet.

I was lucky to be a stay-at-home Mom before that term was ever used. But my days then were packed with kids, chores and errands - someone always needed something and there was school to prepare for, lunches to make, etc.  This time is different.  There aren't toys to pick up (except the dog's toys before I vacuum), there's no one to bathe or change or get into the car.  This is definitely a slower time and I find that it suits me perfectly.

I watch TV, hang laundry out on the line (haven't done that in ages), read and just "be".  I have found pleasure in playing Mahjong at the library (go figure) and enjoy the companionship and social interaction.  I meet friends for lunch and gossip but on an average day spend a great deal of time alone - reading, thinking, being.

It's a good time - a slower time - and a time that was due!

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