Friday, November 30, 2018


It's almost the end of the year and things are winding down - cancer wise anyway.  I saw my surgeon earlier this week and my radiologist today.  In between visits I had a mammogram.  For both the surgeon and radiologist I'm now on the 6 month plan!  I see them both in May 2019.  I see my oncologist in December and we'll see how that goes!  My mammogram was clear so my next one is December 2019. 

Things are getting back to normal - or as normal as it gets when my feet ache all the time (but I intend to ignore it as much as possible) and my hair is wild, fine and extremely white!  It's been a wild and terrifying 16 months and I'm not sure how I should feel about that.  I know there are people who lament and get angry but I didn't and I'm not angry.  I'm not depressed, although I would have preferred not to have had cancer, chemo, radiation and/or surgery it's over and behind me.  I think I'm more than this disease and I refuse to let it dictate what I do or feel.  At the same time, that feels preachy and I don't want to do that either. 

Guess all I can do is live the life I've been given - which, all-in-all is a pretty darn good one. 

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