Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl 2009

Another Super Bowl - another Closer marathon!  Good thing too because I don't really watch football - anytime.  I do like the commercials so I usually flip back and forth trying to catch them - I may or may not do that today - depends!

We unpacked the wine cooler today - looks good - and hopefully that will be installed tomorrow (if the electrician finishes his work) and with the other appliances plugged in and rewired the kitchen will be competely built - not finished mind you - but built!

1 comment:

Susan Marziani said...

Hey D...
Hope you enjoyed the Super Bowl Commercials. I didn't see too many of them as I crashed after 2 of Springsteen's songs. I was beat from painting the kitchen on Saturday. Your kitchen, by the way, looks wonderful! I just got caught up on your videos, etc. It's coming together nicely! Bet you can't wait for the finished product. You done good! Ciao. S