Sunday, July 19, 2009

RIP - Walter Cronkite

David Brinkley, Chet Huntley and Walter Cronkite - now those were NEWSMEN.  In my family we were, initially Huntley & Brinkley (NBC) watchers.  Don't know why exactly except they were the ones my Dad wanted to watch so we did!

Later, after my Dad died, we gradually started watching Walter Cronkite more often - don't know why that was either - just made the change.  And I kept up watching Walter until he left nightly news in 1981.  In fact, my sons knew that bedtime came right after the man on TV said "And that's the way it is . . . ." !! 

I remember his coverage of many of the "big" things in my life:  the assassination of JFK, the moon landing, Vietnam, the Iran hostages . . . and the list goes on.

I've missed him since he left.  And that's the way it is, Sunday, July 19, 2009.  Bye

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