Sunday, September 27, 2009


Got a full trash bag of "stuff" out of my bedroom - and yes, I can now see the floor and the top of the bedside table!  I know - I'm usually pretty good about throwing stuff away but I get lazy - VERY lazy - and stuff piles up.

I should have started on the dining room or living room but I didn't - there's always Friday which will be my next day off - 'course that means I actually will have to do it - SIGH. We also cleaned up out back - all the gunk that had gathered on top of the pool - next step: call the people who can fill it in!!

All it takes is time & money!  Smileys

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NCIS is back . . and so is Big Bang Theory!

He's back!  Great show and I'm very glad that the season has started!

So good and SO funny!! 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sundays . . .

I think I need more Sundays!  There should be a minimum of two Sundays per week (IMHO!).  These, for me, would be days where you did only the things you truly wanted to do - there would be no obligations on your time except those you placed yourself.

Today I'm enjoying South Pacific on TV (the newer one with Glenn Close) and simply resting.  Although I do need to go out at some point today for essentials (ok so one of those isn't something I've chosen but it's only one minor stop!), I'm thinking a nap is in the offing too!

Of course none of this is getting my living room, dining room or powder room back in proper order.  Nor is it getting the bedrooms organized and set up the way I'd like them to be.   It's always something, huh??!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

People are Funny - and Strange too . . .

Years ago I volunteered with the Navy Relief Society - I did it here and in Maine - and, for the most part, enjoyed it.  I worked 4 hours per week and was trained as a budget counselor which, in and of itself was amusing because I rarely maintained a budget myself!  Every week I would talk with people who, for many different reasons, had gotten themselves in a position where they had to ask for help from Navy Relief. Some were easy to advise and some were very very difficult but the work was always interesting.

When we went to Maine, the base was, of course, much smaller.  I actually worked two days a week for 4 hours each day.  On my days it was me and the social worker.  Because the base was small, and because my husband was stationed on the only ship in the area (in for repairs) it was important that I notify everyone coming in from the ship that there was a connection.  I also assured everyone that I didn't talk about my work with him as he didn't talk to me about his work - but everyone had to be given an option to either talk with the social worker (if she was available) or come back the next day.

Most people didn't leave, although after I introduced myself to one client, he did say - they told me your husband worked on the same ship - they didn't say he was my boss!  He and I had a good laugh and I was able to help him!

All this leads up to a talk I had with the social worker during a quiet time one day.  We were talking about what I was going to do after we moved (again).  I said I didn't know - I enjoyed what I was doing but being a social worker meant going back to school and that wasn't something I wanted to do and besides I didn't think I was social work material.  Imagine my chagrin when she laughed and said definitely not!!  Anyway there are days I still think I'm in social work and, while it was fun, interesting and fulfilling part-time, it's not nearly as much fun full time. 

This too shall pass . . . sooner rather than later would be nice!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The local newspaper, for whatever reason, has posted salaries of full-time city employees (all the local cities) in an online searchable database.  You can search by job title & department or simply click on the city for a list of all the departments.  If you have some knowledge of the department it's not too hard to figure out who's who (for those job titles with more than one position listed) because there's a date of employment listed.  For those job titles with only one person, it's a slam dunk!

A sure fire way to ensure that co-workers become suspicious of each other - or upset because of salary differences (and there definitely are some).  Salaries, politics and religion - three things that don't need to be discussed at work (and I'm flexible on politics!!).  SIGH 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Robert Reich

If only reasoned, rational voices could be heard above the manic shouting . . .

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama's Speech to School Children

Since I was home, I decided to watch the President's speech - because I really did want to see how telling children to stay in school and have some responsibility for their lives would translate into brainwashing.

The speech was good - if it had been given by any of the Presidents who were in office while I was in school I know that the entire school would have been in the auditorium to hear it.  My parents were Republicans but they wouldn't have thought to keep their children from hearing any President - including the ones they didn't agree with politically.  Civility goes a long way in the world - fear and panic only lead to more fear and panic. 

As for the speech - the old rhyme went "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" - while that's not totally true (words do wound deeply), listening to the President of the United States won't hurt any child.

It's time the children of America were told to be responsible for their actions.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays . . .

It was a rainy Labor Day today with NCIS and Criminal Minds marathons.  Both good things - although I've seen the NCIS episodes many times!

For some reason I couldn't sleep last night - it was about 3:30 when I got to sleep and then I woke up again- once about 6 (fed the cats) and later about 8:30.  Short night!  Small nap this afternoon but all that did was make me groggy - SIGH.  Hopefully tonight will be better - I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep!

I'm looking forward to a few days off this week - not as long as I'd hoped - but better than nothing.  I hope.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Doors . . . Wonderful

Who knew that new doors could be so exciting!  The townhouse now has new windows and new doors - front and patio.  Beautiful and the installation was great - the men were very professional, pretty quick for two doors (one big!) and they cleaned up after themselves wonderfully!

The patio door (which of course is a non-Lowe's or Home Depot standard size) was a size that this company carried and, for a little extra, I was able to get the blinds between the panes of glass - FANTASTIC!!  It is such a clean look and those blinds won't get torn, dirty or messed up! 

The front door is more mundane but the lack of windows does make the entry a bit dark - there are always tradeoffs!!  It's nice that they'll put a color on the outside with a different color inside - this one is brown on the outside and white inside.  (Patio doors white on both sides!).  Gives a nice finished look without having to paint! 

Next time it's my house getting windows (and maybe doors!).