Years ago I volunteered with the Navy Relief Society - I did it here and in Maine - and, for the most part, enjoyed it. I worked 4 hours per week and was trained as a budget counselor which, in and of itself was amusing because I rarely maintained a budget myself! Every week I would talk with people who, for many different reasons, had gotten themselves in a position where they had to ask for help from Navy Relief. Some were easy to advise and some were very very difficult but the work was always interesting.
When we went to Maine, the base was, of course, much smaller. I actually worked two days a week for 4 hours each day. On my days it was me and the social worker. Because the base was small, and because my husband was stationed on the only ship in the area (in for repairs) it was important that I notify everyone coming in from the ship that there was a connection. I also assured everyone that I didn't talk about my work with him as he didn't talk to me about his work - but everyone had to be given an option to either talk with the social worker (if she was available) or come back the next day.
Most people didn't leave, although after I introduced myself to one client, he did say - they told me your husband worked on the same ship - they didn't say he was my boss! He and I had a good laugh and I was able to help him!
All this leads up to a talk I had with the social worker during a quiet time one day. We were talking about what I was going to do after we moved (again). I said I didn't know - I enjoyed what I was doing but being a social worker meant going back to school and that wasn't something I wanted to do and besides I didn't think I was social work material. Imagine my chagrin when she laughed and said definitely not!! Anyway there are days I still think I'm in social work and, while it was fun, interesting and fulfilling part-time, it's not nearly as much fun full time.
This too shall pass . . . sooner rather than later would be nice!!
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