Saturday, August 19, 2017

What a Summer 2017

This is difficult for me to say, and was certainly difficult to hear in July. I've been diagnosed with “invasive ductal carcinoma” or breast cancer. For reasons the doctors have explained, I'm going to have chemo prior to surgery. No one thinks anything as spread beyond the breast, but there were cells that are, apparently, prone to spreading so the idea is to kill them first then move on to surgery. This particular form of cancer is hormone driven (who knew I still had so much estrogen??) but I was told this is a good thing as it can be controlled. All-in-all, as my wonderful surgeon said “its a process”, and we're going one step at a time. I really hope I don't lose my hair – it's my one vanity but what is is! I can always stand to lose weight and have plenty to spare so that's not an issue!   As a matter of fact, I've already started losing and feel very proud of myself that I've lost over 8 pounds in a month simply by cutting back on carbs.  Guess I should have known that pounds of potato salad and quarts of scalloped potatoes weren't the best things to eat - but oh, they're good!!

Anyway, I intend to be around a good long time - I've plans made you see and I fully intend to fulfill them one day!

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