Monday, December 28, 2009

Farewell 2009

It's the last week of the year - and a lot has happened - much of it fine - some of it just ok - and some of it just plain yucky.  But that which doesn't doesn't kill us makes us stronger or so Nietzsche says (and you know with a name like Nietzsche it must be so!!). 

Work, Life - everything is combined and yet separate - work causes some stress (talk about understatement!) and this year has been no exception.  There have been high points but, for the most part, things are status quo and that's not a particularly good thing.  Life - I miss my mother very much - and although I never wanted her to suffer, I certainly wasn't ready for her to go.  It's very strange and sad to see her name on the back of my father's tombstone in Arlington. Someday I might get used to it.  You never stop worrying about your children - even when they're really not children anymore - I'm certain that they'll be ok in the long run but there are always bumps along the way and, as their Mom, it hurts me whenever they are hurting.

So - I'm not sorry to see 2009 end - but I'm not certain about 2010.  For one thing, I'll be 60 in 2010 - now there's something I wasn't anticipating!! Funny how I could see myself as "grown up", married and even a mother when I was younger but I never saw myself as a "senior citizen".  I know that things are harder for me to do now - the body doesn't allow for bending, stretching and particularly stooping as easily as it used to - getting up from the floor is a REAL effort!  I get tired much faster than I ever used to and I find that naps are much nicer than I ever used to think they were and I look forward to them on a lazy Sunday. 

All in all, I have a very good life - I have a job I enjoy (most of the time!), family that I love and friends that are terrific and help me deal with all the chaos going on all around.  So I guess I'll bid 2009 a farewell (not a fond one that's for sure) and say hello to 2010 with anticipation - things are always changing and sometimes, just sometimes, that's a VERY good thing!

I hope everyone has a terrific New Year's Eve (mine will be a glass of wine and a good night's sleep!!) and a Joyful New Year. 

(And make a toast to "auld lang syne" while bidding 2009 goodbye)

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