Prediction - 8-12 inches of snow in Virginia Beach - RIGHT. Prediction - snow starting Friday night and lasting all day Saturday - RIGHT - VB closed all libraries Saturday and Sunday - OK now you're just being silly!
BUT all of those things are true! Well, mostly true. The snow didn't start until very early Saturday morning but it's now 2 p.m. and it's still coming down. (I have a video but need to get it off the phone and onto YouTube first!) And yesterday the City did decide to close the libraries - WOW that's monumental! (Although they did close one other day for some weather event (don't remember what) that never materialized!) This one was spot-on though and I'm very glad that no one had to struggle in to work only to close early and be forced to take life in hand to get home (have done that before and it's REALLY no fun!).
It's absolutely beautiful out there and I'm very glad that I'm snug inside - time for a nap??!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Future View??
This week has been interesting – after the luggage arrived home on Tuesday that is! – it's been a view of what retirement might be like. Not having to get up in the morning – not having much of anything that has to be done. (There's plenty to do but I can't seem to get the ambition to actually do any of it – I am planning to at least LOOK at the mess in the living room!!)
I'm not sure I can do this every day – I mean really – West Wing reruns only capture me for so long – so I guess I'd be compelled to look for something outside the house to do – WORK! I don't want full-time and I don't want to continue working part-time at MPOW. If I stay there I might as well be paid my full salary!
I don't remember ever thinking about being old enough to retire – let alone getting old enough to retire! But here I am.
PS I applied to refinance the house – it's all done online – very strange – no one to talk to! We'll have to see how it goes.
I'm not sure I can do this every day – I mean really – West Wing reruns only capture me for so long – so I guess I'd be compelled to look for something outside the house to do – WORK! I don't want full-time and I don't want to continue working part-time at MPOW. If I stay there I might as well be paid my full salary!
I don't remember ever thinking about being old enough to retire – let alone getting old enough to retire! But here I am.
PS I applied to refinance the house – it's all done online – very strange – no one to talk to! We'll have to see how it goes.
Monday, January 25, 2010
A Vacation Weekend
We just got back from a long weekend visiting family in Jacksonville FL - and it was great seeing everyone - HOWEVER - the trip there and back was NOT!!
It all started Thursday - when it was raining here but REALLY raining in Atlanta and Jacksonville. We were booked on a flight that left Norfolk about 6:30 p.m. (allowing one of us to finish working that day). When we got to the airport the flight before ours was delayed because of a mechanical problem - about 1 hour. Our flight was originally ontime and then delayed because of weather (it was coming from Atlanta). Because the later departure time for our plane would cause us to miss our connecting flight, we were rebooked onto the delayed flight (now leaving at 6:30 - close to our original time!). So far so good - however, 6:30 comes and goes and we're moved en mass back to our original flight (now leaving at 7:30). There went the connecting flight - so we were rebooked on a later flight (supposed to leave at 10:45 or so). We finally left Norfolk at 8:05 and took off for Atlanta. A flight that normally takes about 1.5 hours took 2.5 hours. We landed at 10:30 p.m. (remember that flight leaving at 10:45??). They actually held the plane for us (there were about 30 of us really) and we took off about 11:15 for Jacksonville. We arrived about midnight - a couple of minutes AFTER the rental car agency closed and WITHOUT a suitcase because, although we could run from one gate to another (in a different terminal!!), the lugguage apparently could not. At first the airline was unsympathetic until we mentioned the flight number that was delayed by mechanical problems making us so late and we got a room at the airport hotel and two "courtesy" packs (nice T-shirt). The next morning, after the complimentary breakfast, we picked up the suitcase, and car and off we went.
Fast forward to today (Monday). We get to the airport and all is beautiful in Jax - however, there are storms that passed through Jax and Atlanta last night that were now pounding NY and MA. Once again our plane to Atlanta is delayed - about 30 minutes - which made our connection "iffy" but doable according to the gate agent. Anyway - we left even later than scheduled (there was a full plane and EVERYONE seemed to have multiple carry on bags) and we landed at Atlanta at 6:25 - with our next plane leaving at 6:59. We came into B3 and were to leave from B10 - but the plane was full and NO ONE was letting anyone off to make a connection! We literally ran down the corridor and lept on the plane (the gate was empty and the ticket agent was ready to close). Got in the seat, settled and and off we went. We actually landed in Norfolk 15 minutes early! We were deplaned and walking toward baggage claim at 8:30 when the plane was due in at 8:44. At baggage claim - we waited - and YET AGAIN the luggage hadn't made the trek that we had.
So we're home but the luggage isn't. *SIGH* It might come in tonight at 11:30 or tomorrow. We can go back tomorrow about 8:30 to see if it's here (NOT) or they'll bring it out tomorrow. Guess it's lucky that I took more leave so I can stay and wait for it. I did hear someone else say that "Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive" is the actual definition of this particular airline.
I can guarantee that I'm not using them again - EVER - unless it's the only airline to fly somewhere and it's essential that I get there and even then I'm going to search EVERYWHERE else for alternatives!
(And don't ask about the hotel!! 'Tho not as complicated as the flight, it did have it's own issues. All in all, an interesting mini-vacation!!)
It all started Thursday - when it was raining here but REALLY raining in Atlanta and Jacksonville. We were booked on a flight that left Norfolk about 6:30 p.m. (allowing one of us to finish working that day). When we got to the airport the flight before ours was delayed because of a mechanical problem - about 1 hour. Our flight was originally ontime and then delayed because of weather (it was coming from Atlanta). Because the later departure time for our plane would cause us to miss our connecting flight, we were rebooked onto the delayed flight (now leaving at 6:30 - close to our original time!). So far so good - however, 6:30 comes and goes and we're moved en mass back to our original flight (now leaving at 7:30). There went the connecting flight - so we were rebooked on a later flight (supposed to leave at 10:45 or so). We finally left Norfolk at 8:05 and took off for Atlanta. A flight that normally takes about 1.5 hours took 2.5 hours. We landed at 10:30 p.m. (remember that flight leaving at 10:45??). They actually held the plane for us (there were about 30 of us really) and we took off about 11:15 for Jacksonville. We arrived about midnight - a couple of minutes AFTER the rental car agency closed and WITHOUT a suitcase because, although we could run from one gate to another (in a different terminal!!), the lugguage apparently could not. At first the airline was unsympathetic until we mentioned the flight number that was delayed by mechanical problems making us so late and we got a room at the airport hotel and two "courtesy" packs (nice T-shirt). The next morning, after the complimentary breakfast, we picked up the suitcase, and car and off we went.
Fast forward to today (Monday). We get to the airport and all is beautiful in Jax - however, there are storms that passed through Jax and Atlanta last night that were now pounding NY and MA. Once again our plane to Atlanta is delayed - about 30 minutes - which made our connection "iffy" but doable according to the gate agent. Anyway - we left even later than scheduled (there was a full plane and EVERYONE seemed to have multiple carry on bags) and we landed at Atlanta at 6:25 - with our next plane leaving at 6:59. We came into B3 and were to leave from B10 - but the plane was full and NO ONE was letting anyone off to make a connection! We literally ran down the corridor and lept on the plane (the gate was empty and the ticket agent was ready to close). Got in the seat, settled and and off we went. We actually landed in Norfolk 15 minutes early! We were deplaned and walking toward baggage claim at 8:30 when the plane was due in at 8:44. At baggage claim - we waited - and YET AGAIN the luggage hadn't made the trek that we had.
So we're home but the luggage isn't. *SIGH* It might come in tonight at 11:30 or tomorrow. We can go back tomorrow about 8:30 to see if it's here (NOT) or they'll bring it out tomorrow. Guess it's lucky that I took more leave so I can stay and wait for it. I did hear someone else say that "Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive" is the actual definition of this particular airline.
I can guarantee that I'm not using them again - EVER - unless it's the only airline to fly somewhere and it's essential that I get there and even then I'm going to search EVERYWHERE else for alternatives!
(And don't ask about the hotel!! 'Tho not as complicated as the flight, it did have it's own issues. All in all, an interesting mini-vacation!!)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Holiday Weekend
I've had the last 3 day holiday that we get at MPOW until Memorial Day in May and I managed to get a cold and spend most of the time sick. *sigh*
I was at work on Friday and didn't feel great but certainly not sick - figured it was more sinus problem brought on by weather going from 30+ to 60 in a couple of days. By Saturday I had a tickle cough but went to the grocery story (careful to cough into my elbow when I had to cough) but by Saturday night there was no doubt!
Coughing commenced and by Monday my ribs were sore! Luckily I could sleep and I think that's why I'm feeling better so fast - still coughing (not nearly as much but still violently at times) but feeling much better. I did stay home today but have a full day of meetings tomorrow. The rooms are large enough for me to sit away from other team members!
Here's hoping the rest of the week goes better than the beginning!
I was at work on Friday and didn't feel great but certainly not sick - figured it was more sinus problem brought on by weather going from 30+ to 60 in a couple of days. By Saturday I had a tickle cough but went to the grocery story (careful to cough into my elbow when I had to cough) but by Saturday night there was no doubt!
Coughing commenced and by Monday my ribs were sore! Luckily I could sleep and I think that's why I'm feeling better so fast - still coughing (not nearly as much but still violently at times) but feeling much better. I did stay home today but have a full day of meetings tomorrow. The rooms are large enough for me to sit away from other team members!
Here's hoping the rest of the week goes better than the beginning!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pondering more than Musing . . .
Over the past year I've often thought about why this format has such appeal for me - why I've continued to blog after the end of our Library 2.0 training - because normally I'm not much of a diarist. As a tween I loved the idea of a diary - the small, one page per day book complete with small lock and key - what wasn't to like? However, the actuality wasn't as great as the thought - for one thing I had (have!) a younger brother who did find one such small book [not that there was much in it!] and {HORRORS} read it! Somehow keeping a written record of my thoughts was less appealing! (so now it's online for anyone to stumble across - now where's the logic in that!!)
I have a diary (paper) somewhere - I started it at the time I was expecting my first child - it initially ended shortly after his birth - it was VERY obvious that the care of a newborn was much more labor intensive than I had initially thought!! That book had later entries of important events in my life but over the intervening years, entries were sparse and widely separated.
Then came the Internet and Library 2.0 and I discovered that online diaries were much more fun and easy to do! Perhaps because I never thought my handwriting was as good as my mother's and, being a perfectionist, I wanted all my entries to be perfect - including the color of the ink (I know, I know). Electronics solved that problem and made errors (and they occur often) easy to correct without it looking as if there was a correction (have I mentioned perfectionism?). Not to mention "Preview" which helps detect those errors before anyone else can possibly see them.
So here I am - at the start of year 3 of this missive still contemplating why I'm continuing to post. Cathartic perhaps? Fun definitely!
I have a diary (paper) somewhere - I started it at the time I was expecting my first child - it initially ended shortly after his birth - it was VERY obvious that the care of a newborn was much more labor intensive than I had initially thought!! That book had later entries of important events in my life but over the intervening years, entries were sparse and widely separated.
Then came the Internet and Library 2.0 and I discovered that online diaries were much more fun and easy to do! Perhaps because I never thought my handwriting was as good as my mother's and, being a perfectionist, I wanted all my entries to be perfect - including the color of the ink (I know, I know). Electronics solved that problem and made errors (and they occur often) easy to correct without it looking as if there was a correction (have I mentioned perfectionism?). Not to mention "Preview" which helps detect those errors before anyone else can possibly see them.
So here I am - at the start of year 3 of this missive still contemplating why I'm continuing to post. Cathartic perhaps? Fun definitely!
A True End of an Era
Miep Gies died yesterday. She was 100 years old. She was a true hero. That word - hero - gets a lot of use these days - most of it [in my opinion] not warranted. Athletes, politicians, all are considered "heros" today, but Miep Gies proved her heroism in a time when being a hero meant putting yourself in danger - actual physical danger - something athletes and politicians certainly don't do.
Miep was the last of the "protectors" of the Frank family in Amsterdam during World War II. She and the others brought food and companionship to the Franks, the van Damms and the others in the Annex after the families went into hiding to avoid deportation to the camps. After the annex was raided and everyone sent off to the concentration camps, Miep found Anne's notebooks and notes. After the war, Miep gave the notebooks to Mr. Frank (the only survivor) and then was born "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" and history was, indeed, made.
Millions have read the book, seen the play or the movie. It was one of the books I remember most from when I was young and, other than books on horses, was probably one of the first non-fiction books I had read! I think I read it first when I was about 10 - [a few short years after it was published!] - and it had a profound impact on me. I give it credit for stimulating a life-long love of history because I couldn't believe that something so horrible had actually happened. I began devouring everything I could find about World War II. Anne was also a girl - and that was important too - because most of the "adventure" stories [and this was, to a 10 year old removed from the events an adventure] - were boy books, with boy characters.
Over the years I've often wondered what I would have done had I been in certain situations. Years ago, I imagined that I was in Anne's place - how would my family have coped? Later, as I grew up, I was in Miep's (and the other protectors) place - would I have had the courage, the conviction to do what I knew was right in the face of such overwhelming terror and consequences?? I like to think the answer is yes - but, luckily, I've never been put in such a situation so I really can't say for sure.
RIP Miep Gies - you truly have a special place in my life.
Miep was the last of the "protectors" of the Frank family in Amsterdam during World War II. She and the others brought food and companionship to the Franks, the van Damms and the others in the Annex after the families went into hiding to avoid deportation to the camps. After the annex was raided and everyone sent off to the concentration camps, Miep found Anne's notebooks and notes. After the war, Miep gave the notebooks to Mr. Frank (the only survivor) and then was born "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" and history was, indeed, made.
Millions have read the book, seen the play or the movie. It was one of the books I remember most from when I was young and, other than books on horses, was probably one of the first non-fiction books I had read! I think I read it first when I was about 10 - [a few short years after it was published!] - and it had a profound impact on me. I give it credit for stimulating a life-long love of history because I couldn't believe that something so horrible had actually happened. I began devouring everything I could find about World War II. Anne was also a girl - and that was important too - because most of the "adventure" stories [and this was, to a 10 year old removed from the events an adventure] - were boy books, with boy characters.
Over the years I've often wondered what I would have done had I been in certain situations. Years ago, I imagined that I was in Anne's place - how would my family have coped? Later, as I grew up, I was in Miep's (and the other protectors) place - would I have had the courage, the conviction to do what I knew was right in the face of such overwhelming terror and consequences?? I like to think the answer is yes - but, luckily, I've never been put in such a situation so I really can't say for sure.
RIP Miep Gies - you truly have a special place in my life.
Friday, January 8, 2010
2010 - Week 1
Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a weekly rehash of 2010 - mostly because I know I don't have the dedication or maliciousness to bore anyone, including myself, with a weekly rehash of life, work and anything else!
I don't know exactly what I expected from 2010 - after all it's a man-made number on a piece of paper and not a cosmic event (beyond the regular rotation around the sun) - but the reality of the first week is leaving me a bit underwhelmed!
I tend to think the best of everyone - I can be sarcastic but not really cynical - and I expect (hope?) people to be good and do good for the most part. And I don't know why I'm always surprised and disappointed when that doesn't happen - SIGH. Peoples is funny - they're also confusing, annoying and just plain CRAZY!! (PS yes, I do include myself in "peoples" in case there was any question about that!)
I seem to be running faster and faster and yet getting further and further behind - everywhere - home, work - DOUBLE SIGH. I'm certain that things will eventually right themselves and life will even out somewhat - but the road to that end is increasingly bumpy and I can only hope that the shocks on the vehicle going down the road are equal to the task.
Enough of week 1 - getting a bit maudlin and that's just gotta end!
I don't know exactly what I expected from 2010 - after all it's a man-made number on a piece of paper and not a cosmic event (beyond the regular rotation around the sun) - but the reality of the first week is leaving me a bit underwhelmed!

I seem to be running faster and faster and yet getting further and further behind - everywhere - home, work - DOUBLE SIGH. I'm certain that things will eventually right themselves and life will even out somewhat - but the road to that end is increasingly bumpy and I can only hope that the shocks on the vehicle going down the road are equal to the task.
Enough of week 1 - getting a bit maudlin and that's just gotta end!
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