Sunday, June 8, 2008

UNCLE . . .

I've had enough already! It's not even the middle of June and already we've had several days in a row of 90+ weather (in some cases 100 degree weather). It's not August - not even the end of July!!

On top of that gas is costing almost $4 a gallon here - we're a bit lower than some other places and I just cringe at the thought of the electric bill next month! I don't think the A/C or the fans have stopped running (fans help keep the a/c a little higher - probably a vain attempt to save some money!!). We did cook outside so that was something but you certainly couldn't stay outside long - at least I couldn't.

Oh well - fingers crossed for no power failures and we're not going to mention hurricanes!!


The Bryan said...

I blame Al Gore.

Susan Marziani said...

Al Gore? I guess we need to blame global warming on someone.

I too am OVER this heat. Just think what it will be like when we do finally get to August. I'm moving to the Antartic.