Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'll Admit It . . .

I'm not an Olympics junkie (used to be but not so much anymore) but I AM a political junkie and I'm truly enjoying this time - conventions!  I've been working each evening during this convention but have been able to see the "big" speeches (at least so far) and I must admit I've enjoyed them!  And I'll watch the next convention too - for how better to understand your opponent!! 

It was an interesting (to say the least) primary season (although I totally refused to watch ANY of the seemingly thousands of debates!) and I'm convinced this one of the most interesting election years I've seen in a long time - and I was around (in elementary school!) when JFK won the squeaker against Dick Nixon.

I do miss the time when the conventions were simply broadcast without a lot of commentary - I can understand the spoken word and really don't need all that "extra" help understanding what's said - SIGH.  (Actually there was commentary but Walter Cronkite was younger then!! And the coverage was gavel to gavel - much of it boring but it was the only thing on TV so watch it I did and I learned!)

I'm Diane and I approved this message!


Kim said...

"I'm Diane and I approved this message!"
ROTFL! I just can't get into watching the convention. The convention is the same to me that the Olympics are to you....

Susan Marziani said...

And that is what makes us all individuals! I say rock on Diane -I too have enjoyed the conventions but have to admit, I couldn't stay awake for Hillary's speech. She didn't start until 10:30 pm and we all know that's past my bed time considering what time I get each day! I did get to see Ted Kennedy and (since I have Friday off) plan to stay up and watch it all tomorrow night. How cool to see part of history in the making.