Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Always Something

The floor is down and looks beautiful - just the 1/4 round to finish.  Monday someone is coming to connect the microwave over the stove (need to connect the vent and the electrical as well as hang the oven itself) and then sometime next week the countertops and backsplash get done.

AND the bathroom sink plumbing gets repaired (hopefully this weekend) because to keep the drip to a minimum we have to turn off the water to the hot water heater.  I remember asking, 25 years ago, if the plumbing in the house was copper and being told that the water supply lines were copper and the waste lines were PVC.  And they are with a couple of minor exceptions (one of which is now leaking).  The shut-off valves on the sink in the downstairs half bath are Quest pipe (UGH) and didn't leak until they started to dismantle the bathroom.  We got it stopped for a week or so but it started again today.  SIGH

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