Thursday, March 26, 2009

Computers in Libraries 2009

It's spring and time for Computers in Libraries.  Once again it's in Arlington and I'm leaving Virginia Beach on Sunday with two colleagues. This conference is one of the first I ever attended and it's gotten better each year.  I'm looking forward to the sessions and, honestly, to being away from work for a little while!

I do like my job - but trying to do two jobs (since the manager retired in December) has meant that I really haven't done either one particularly well (at least in my mind!).  I've doubled the number of meetings I'm attending (ouch!) and never seem to have any time to do anything except put out fires!  Anyway, after I get back from the conference a new manager will be taking the reigns and I can, happily, go back to MY job!

But for now - it's on to Arlington and fun!

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