Sunday, September 3, 2017


Whew - what a weekend this has been.  Saturday was a total washout for me - no energy at all, no appetite, and tons of sleep.  Drank lots of water, ate what I could (which wasn't much) and took one of the nausea medicines - and then more sleep.  Nothing felt right or good or normal.  The Tropical Smoothie was good!

Today (Sunday) is better.  Made some scrambled eggs for breakfast, ate an apple, a cheese stick, drank tons of water and a yogurt smoothie then had an almost normal dinner!  Progress!  And, although I did take two naps today, I was up more and able to focus on reading which held no appeal yesterday at all!

I realize this is a process and it will take time but I didn't realize just how nasty I could feel.  I don't know what I expected but it wasn't feeling as if I'd been run over by a truck and dragged. Anyway - it's one step forward on the fight and that makes it a good weekend even though I felt like dirt for most of it!

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