Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Full Day -

Today was another full day at the conference - great stuff, good stuff and some not quite as good but there was always something to take away from each presentation!

Tonight was the Dead & Emerging Technologies Talk - it wasn't at last year's conference but I'm glad it's back!  It's always interesting to hear what the "professionals" think is dead/dying/alive - and, while it's always funny, there's a very serious thread running through each person's talk. 

Libraries aren't dead unless Librarians say they are - I say they aren't (even though I'm not a librarian!!)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Full day of conference today - mostly good sessions (they can't all be good!) - and unexpectedly good wireless during the convention.  Tomorrow I have to remember to take my power cords - the laptop did well after lunch but would have been even better with "juice". 

As usual, Lee Rainie (Pew Internet & American Life Project) put things into perspective with his "Then and Now" comparisons

46 % of adults use the Internet
5% had broadband
50% owned cell phones
0% had wireless

75% of adults use the Internet
57% have broadband
82% own cell phones
62% are wireless

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday trip to Arlington

What a day - the cat got loose again!! And I had to leave poor Don at home waiting for him to get back because I needed to go to a conference in Arlington!!

Don finally told me to leave (although it was a little early) because I had a bad case of the klutzy.  I got some lunch and wondered why my phone wasn't connecting - to anything- email, even the telephone!  Luckily it was early so I raced over to BJs where there is a Verizon Wireless - and said - FIX IT!!  Luckily the guy had the same phone and did what I thought needed to be done - but I couldn't get the battery cover off to take the battery out!

Luckily he could - phone ok - and off I went to Arlington.  Traffic wasn't bad - room nice - dinner expensive but delicious and back to the room where the internet connection keeps dropping - SIGH.  Have to type fast - but at least I did get the *urgent* message with attachment finally sent - - DOUBLE SIGH!!

Hope the cat comes home - hope Don doesn't stay up too late waiting for him - kind of glad I'm here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Computers in Libraries 2009

It's spring and time for Computers in Libraries.  Once again it's in Arlington and I'm leaving Virginia Beach on Sunday with two colleagues. This conference is one of the first I ever attended and it's gotten better each year.  I'm looking forward to the sessions and, honestly, to being away from work for a little while!

I do like my job - but trying to do two jobs (since the manager retired in December) has meant that I really haven't done either one particularly well (at least in my mind!).  I've doubled the number of meetings I'm attending (ouch!) and never seem to have any time to do anything except put out fires!  Anyway, after I get back from the conference a new manager will be taking the reigns and I can, happily, go back to MY job!

But for now - it's on to Arlington and fun!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Before & After

Old Desk/New Pantry & Wine Cooler
Old Sink/New Sink - love the faucet!! It pulls out!  Love the deep sink too.
LOVE the microwave above the stove!

Ask the President

What a neat idea - vote on various questions and the ones with the most votes will be asked at the next press conference - check out some of the questions below and also check the website itself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I found out today that I'll be "acting" another month - until April 15.  I was expecting it to end March 30. 

It's been an interesting experience but I know now that, if it were to last longer, things would have to change at work - people would have to step out of their comfort zone and pitch in to help.

Adding the manager's meeting to my meetings has been hectic - I'm sure that things have fallen by the wayside that shouldn't have.  It would have been nice to have had the opportunity to have the job for real but at least this way I was able to 'act' for a while!

PS - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Free Smileys & Emoticons at Clip Art Of.com     I'm SO excited!!!  A very good friend got a promotion and it's FANTASTIC!!  I know she'll be an absolutely wonderful manager and I'm glad that her work environment is going to be ever so much better than it is right now!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Painting - and more painting

Painting is coming along nicely - in fact we went to BJs today and got an area rug - could have been a little bigger but this one is good and was certainly a good price!!  Don started moving furniture back into the family room - now we just have to figure out where things are going so that there's room for the new TV!

The end is in sight - or at least closer than it has been!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Anniversary

I just realized that I've "celebrated" my 1 year anniversary of the broken wrist!  It happened March 2, 2008 - causing me a great deal of pain and making me miss the All Staff Training Day :-( !! 

Anyway - one year later and, although my wrist is crooked because it "slipped" in the cast, and it's a bit stiff, it works well and I can do almost anything I could before!  Cold weather isn't the best for it and painting the family room took a minor toll in aches and pains - for the most part the wrist is fine and I'm totally recovered!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


After trying unsuccessfully to hire a professional painter for the family room, kitchen, laundry area and 1/2 bath, I decided to take roller in hand and do it myself! 

On Saturday I taped everything - I didn't used to use tape but my eyes and hands aren't as good as they used to be - particularly the right hand! Anyway that went well and on Sunday I got up, went to Home Depot, got the paint and started working.  I started with the fireplace wall because it's smaller and because I really wanted to see the paint against the woodwork.  Looked good!

About 2 1/2 hours later I was finished - except for some touchup - and the family room was a pretty green - actually Khaki by Ralph Lauren Urban Lofts. I did all the family room and the wall that connects to the kitchen but the kitchen itself (little that there is) is still awaiting green!  There's some priming that needs to be done first because the builder (all those years ago) built the cabinets in place and then stained and varnished them in place - one wall has the perfect outline of the cabinet door in varnish (where it was sprayed!).  Kilz to the rescue!

Hopefully the kitchen will be done this weekend and we will start moving furniture back to the family room - Don finished cleaning all the paneling and woodwork with Murphy's Oil Soap - so it looks great! 

Pictures to follow when the sun comes out and I'm home to see it!