Going into week three of the dermatitis - it's getting better - my thumb has all but cleared up and my face (where I must have wiped my face) is much better and no longer itches. However, between my fingers and on the back of my wrist still looks bad and my fingers itch! The rest are single blisters, like someone put one drop of acid on my wrist and it blistered - there are 5 of them! They itch some but mostly just look horrible.
I've been wearing whatever long sleeved (light weight) shirts I have - to try to hide as much as possible. Thank goodness it's another 4 day week for me (I'm off Friday for Saturday) so I should be able to cover up!
I haven't ever had this bad a reaction and I still don't know what it was - something that just touched the back of my hand - because there's nothing on my palms!
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