What a busy, fun week! We were incredibly busy (Summer Reading Program started) with Crafty Monday and the kick-off program on Wednesday with Ryan the Balloon Guy (LOVE him!). 60+ attended the craft day where they made dream catchers and over 100 kids and 60 parents came to see Ryan and the Lion's Club. The building was hopping! We were a few staff members short but we all pulled together and things got done - tiring tho!
Then, I had my favorite meetings (tho I couldn't stay for all of one because of staffing shortages) where we always have a lot of fun and accomplish quite a bit. I only have another 6 months on one of the teams - I'm really going to miss it but all good things come to an end and change isn't a bad thing no matter how difficult it can be!
I started this post last night with Cleo sleeping on the sofa beside me. As I was typing she fell off the sofa (I thought she'd gotten caught in the throw) but she was actually having a seizure. Bryan and I took her to the Emergency Vet where they kept her. She had another seizure around midnight this morning and the dr. called me to let me know. She said that her blood and urine tests were normal but she had stool backed up. All day I've been waiting (I called this morning and she was ok and I decided to wait until 5) to call back. She'd had another seizure this afternoon and we're going to start anticonvulsant therapy. She was given an enema after the valium for the seizure took effect and apparently cleaned herself out! She is eating and drinking. They're keeping her overnight again to see how she tolerates the medicine (well I hope). To determine exactly why this is happening we'd have to take her to a neurologist (NC State or Richmond). She absolutely hates travel, she's 13 years old and I don't want her to be upset anymore than absolutely necessary. If the medicine works, she'll come home and we'll deal with whatever happens. I won't have her tested, poked and prodded just to make me feel better - if she's not seizing and is comfortable, eating, drinking and eliminating that's all I can hope for.
Needless to say, last night and today have been highly emotional - I did sleep but not very long and have done nothing all day but watch (or have on) mindless tv - I didn't even want to engage enough to actually watch anything that required thought.
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