Friday, July 11, 2008


I don't handle frustration well - never have and I doubt I ever will - but I usually manage OK - unless something really DUMB happens - like today.

I had to have my windshield replaced some weeks ago - and with the windshield went the expired base sticker. In itself not a big problem, but my ID card had also expired and, even worse, was missing.

So today I head to the base to get both - first to the pass office for a temporary pass onto the base so I can get the ID card and then back to the pass office with the ID card to get the sticker.  That was the plan . . . and we all know about best-laid plans . . .

The temp ID was ok - only because D was with me and used his military ID to get it - but the ID card was a bust - because there is ONLY ONE WAY to access information on their computers and, 17 years after his death and 8 years after the last time I actually had to remember it, I couldn't remember my husband's social security number!  Putting in my social security number brought up my name and the notification that I wasn't the sponsor (so there was a linkage - interesting huh??) but there was no way to link between my name and the "family"!!  SIGH!! 

It means another trip sometime to get the ID card and the pass - but not any time soon - probably my next Friday off.

1 comment:

Susan Marziani said...

You just gotta love the government and all of the red tape. I'm so sorry to hear of the hassle - but it's not a surprise. I went through something similar with my mom recently regarding a new Rx she needed filled...long story short - they wanted $180 vs. the standard TriCare copay because they had my dad's SSN (they've been divorced for over 20 some years) instead of her's and the "system" was showing her as ineligible = bla bla bla. It's never ending. Hang in there - it will all work out eventually. Hugs, S.