Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lion King

What a great play! The costumes are astounding - the giraffes were amazing (as were all the animals!).  The singing was great.  There were a lot of children at the performance (the first Saturday of the run) and all were entralled - the two nearest us were ok although I was glad I wasn't sitting in front of one - she was kicking the entire time!

We were able to get in and out quickly and the ride home was uneventful - we were even able to stop in Glen Allen and get the motorcycle and bring it home (I drove the Explorer of course!!).   All was well down 64 and through the tunnel but as soon as I got to the Virginia Beach border the smell of smoke was everywhere!  I'd forgotten the smell (or I'd gotten used to it) until I'd been out of it for a while - and then it was REALLY strong when I got back! 

Oh well, we can hope that we'll have enough rain soon to put out the fires here and in North Carolina!

A great weekend and the start of a hectic week - but it's a short one!

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