Well, it was an interesting end to a relatively quiet day - we had to have the police yet again - but for something new - at least for me. Because of the nature of the event, the police asked the customers involved if they were willing to prosecute the offender - one was, one wasn't. Because the customer was willing to go to the precinct (just down the street) and talk with the magistrate, the police took the offender in - and we banned him for a year (could be longer depending on the court case!). SIGH
Tomorrow is my day off - hair cut is definitely in order and overdue - silly stuff grows way too fast in the summer! After that I'm planning to putz around the house and rest up for Saturday - always a fun time! Hopefully the day will be as quiet as it's been all week - that would be fantastic!!
1 comment:
You just have all the fun at OF, don't you? My day off was a busy one with Mom - a doctor's appointment then lots of running here and there - but she bought my lunch so I can't complain. Got home around 3pm I guess. Laid down and watched Oprah...and now getting caught up on email. Chat with you next week. I guess you saw NP's email?
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