Thursday, October 16, 2008


It's been a very busy two weeks - at home and at work - but mostly at work.  There have been several long, intense meetings - the Library is undergoing a major transition and, like many things, it's painful.  There are tears, anger and stress but I, personally, think the outcome will be amazing.

I'm a rather literal, practical person and nothing frustrates me more than dithering.  Even if I don't agree with your decision - make it - we can discuss how it actually works after we've used it a while and, since our decisions aren't carved into the side of a mountain, we can certainly make changes if they're needed.  I have enjoyed our progress so far - but the problems are real and do impact our ability to do our work - we can't be effective with our customers if we're fighting among ourselves.

That's what's made our meetings so long and so difficult.  But I do think it's good to get things out and not let them fester under the surface.  Like childbirth - the process is painful and messy but the outcome will be well worth the effort!


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