Thursday, September 21, 2017

A week later

Here it is on Thursday, one week after treatment two, and, once again, I'm feeling almost normal.  It's annoying and frustrating that it seems to take me an entire week to recover from the treatment.  But, if that's the worst I have to deal with I suppose I need to count myself very lucky.  The doctor was nice enough to push the next treatment a week so that I won't be sick and unable to attend my son's wedding next weekend and for that I'm VERY grateful!  He said that a week wouldn't make any difference in the treatment and it will make a difference in my well being!

In anticipation of losing my hair (which, as I've said, started coming out by the handful last Thursday) a very wonderful friend took me wig shopping.  The shop owner and she both picked out a wig each to try on.  The first was interesting - great color and looked good, but was straight and I've never had straight hair in my life!  My friend picked out another wig - it was wavy and almost the identical color as my hair used to be when I was having it highlighted!  I finally put it on yesterday, after I'd talked with my hairdresser and asked her to fluff it and give me her opinion.  She loved it! Said the color was amazing and that there was nothing she needed to do to it at all!  When I got home, I took a selfie in the car - don't like any of my pictures! - and I have to admit it's one of the best pictures of me I've seen in a long time!  It will mean that wedding pictures won't have a bald me!!  I would hate for them to have that!

See - I think it came out looking pretty good!  Wish my own hair would have ever done as well, but I have a cowlick right in the middle of my forehead and my bangs never looked this good!

Today, I just have blood work (hopefully that stays as good as it was last week) and then I have an entire week free - of blood work and treatment - I won't know how to act!!

PS I'm going to look at new cars next week - don't know if I'll get one but I'm serious about looking for something smaller.  I love my big truck but smaller would be easier right now I think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your hairdresser was pleased!--DD