Monday, March 31, 2008

Another cast - another month . . .

Another trip to the doctor - another cast cut off (goodbye purple hello green . . . yes I know the picture is of a left hand!) and more x-rays. The bad news is that the wrist has shifted a little more (very slightly) from the last time 2 weeks ago. The good news is that's not all that unusual. It will probably mean that my wrist is slightly crooked (which I don't mind) and the bone will stick out a little and. as long as I have full function, that is OK.

The doctor said the only way to ensure perfect alignment is surgery & a plate. However, there are possible complications from that too. Right now, the complications from a crooked wrist and surgery are a wash - we'll see how things go!

Anyway, my long-arm cast is gone ane I have a short one, beneath my elbow. My poor elbow hasn't stretched in a month and it's a bit sore. But I now have no doubt that elbow movement affects the wrist! I haven't had this much pain since the accident! My arm now can rotate and tears come to my eyes - especially when it happens unexpectedly!

It'll get better - it will just take time - SIGH! My next appointment is in just over 3 weeks (instead of the 2 I was hoping!).

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Taxes, Cooking and Misc.

Get your attention?!

Today has the potential to be a very busy day - and I'm basically a very lazy person - SIGH.

My intention was to have my taxes finished in February and, when that didn't happen, to have them done by mid-March. However, I decided to throw myself down on the porch and break my wrist instead. Thoughts of taxes flew out of my mind but now it's the end of March and I don't think the IRS will care about my wrist ordeal! I have my stuff together so I need to sit down with Turbo-Tax and get busy (but first a blog post!!).

I'm also making a pot roast for dinner. I discovered that peeling (or whacking) garlic isn't easy with one arm at a permanent 90 degree angle - nor is chopping up an onion. Luckily help was at hand and the roast got properly browned, garlicked and onioned and is now roasting away. The potatoes, carrots, celery and more onions will be added later. Since the weather today is cold and rainy, this comfort food dinner will be great! Not to mention the leftovers!

Next Sunday I'm off to Arlington and the Computers in Libraries conference. I've checked the weather forecast and, right now, it's cast friendly! Tomorrow I hope to get a new, smaller cast, but cooler weather is always better with plaster I've discovered! I always enjoy this conference and am anxious to go again!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day and it started well at work. About 3, tho, my arm started throbbing. I hung in until almost five, (got in about 11) then came home to rest and get my arm in the air! Yesterday was my first full day at work - guess it can only handle one but not two days in a row!

When I got home I opened the back door and let the cats enjoy the many birds taking advantage of the puddle of water on the pool cover! They were mostly crows but a couple of robins dropped by too. Both Cleo and Quincy enjoyed the show - at different times of course!

After it cooled down and I closed the door, Cleo jumped up on the ottoman facing the fireplace. She sat there gazing first at the cold hearth then back at her "staff" willing someone (me) with a thumb to turn on the gas. Unlike last night, she was out of luck tonight. She'll have better luck this weekend - it's supposed to get cooler again.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Truly Blessed

I work in a great place for terrific people. Everyone's been so supportive and concerned with my progress with this hunk of plaster on my arm! Emails, phone calls, opening my soda bottles!! (I can open cans but not bottles!!). It really makes the entire ordeal a bit easier knowing that kind of support is there!

I'm very lucky that I have wonderful support outside work too. My friends, neighbors and family check to see if I need anything on their way to run errands and I've gotten lovely flowers and delicious fruit!

In case anyone is interested/concerned - yes. I woke up at 3:30 a.m.! I fell asleep at 10 p.m. and, in my dreams, I heard one ring - like a phone - which it wasn't - and "bink" my eyes flew open! I'm not good at lying in bed so I got up and here I am! I'm sure I'll be back in bed soon. In the meantime, a little surfing, a little reading and I'm good. What's really strange is that there are more interesting TV programs (in my opinion) on at 4 a.m. than during regular "daytime" hours - go figure!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back to Work . . .

Today was my second day back at work - and I want to thank everyone who suggested I go back part-time! Four hours seems to be the limit my arm and I can handle!

Monday I did too much with the arm - I had the sling but not the waist band and that just allowed me to do more than I probably should have.

Today I had the waist band but I was still tired enough and my arm ached enough that when I came home at noon I took a pain pill and had a nice nap!! This evening has been much better!

I know that slow and steady is the way to go but I don't have a lot of patience - I'm sure that will come as a complete shock to my friends! - and it's hard for me to wait - - but, of course, I will!

PS: to my bank, co-workers for whom I've signed leave slips, etc. - that's not a forgery . . . it's my poor attempt to write with my left hand!!

PPS: kudos to the programmers who created an easy way to switch mouse buttons!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Weeks & Counting

I have fingers!! On my visit to the doctor today he said the cast was too big and I said I couldn't use the sling because the angle wasn't right. He also said that the fracture has slipped a little but not significantly - probably because the cast was slipping.

Anyway, I got a new cast today and my fingers and thumb have been freed! I might actually be able to sign my name soon! My wrist (outside the cast) is a lovely shade of yellow!! My cast is now a "healing" purple - and I am using my sling!

Next appointment the 31st - and another cast - this time a short one!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Alone and tired

I'm exhausted and I haven't done anything! I had a great visit from a friend I haven't seen in quite a while! She was here a couple of hours and all we did was talk - me with my arm up! but her visit reinforced my decision not to attend All Staff Day tomorrow. Getting dressed and simply sitting up on the couch did me in!!

Well, it's also my first night since the "event" by myself. Just me and the cats. But not for long - companionship will return Thursday evening. I quickly got spoiled though!! It's really nice having another human in the house - the cats are good but don't talk much - well they do "talk" but not so I understand.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

One Week Down - Five To Go . . .

Well - almost a week now and my cast is like an unwelcome guest at a party! I took this week off and called Thursday to take next week off too. It means that I'll miss All Staff Day - double bummer - but since getting bathed and dressed is a MAJOR issue I thought it was a wise decision!

It's been amazing finding out just how hard it can be not to have use of my arm - even more amazing how cumbersome this silly cast is! And how right-handed I am!! The simplest things are now difficult and don't even ask about a signature!!

I have to say that sleeping has been ok - but I've noted more dreams using my right arm! It does help when it's cold so I guess Va. Power will be happy (when the weather gets warmer)!

PS my cast is bright blue!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Broken . . .

I now am the proud "owner" of a shoulder-height bright blue cast that has to stay 4 weeks with an additional 2 weeks in a shorter cast. And hopefully this will be all that's needed - the doctor did mention surgery but said this should be enough. Apparently the wrist wasn't terribly out of line - thank God - because the setting was horrible as was the numbing beforehand!

Oh well - one day at a time!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a Day . . .

This morning I went out to get the paper about 7 - barefoot. On my way back into the house, my foot caught on my pants leg and down I went. My wrist led the way into the door, which luckily wasn't closed tightly - but my pour right wrist didn't fare well at all!

After a trip to the new emergency room down the street. I have a splint on my broken wrist, instructions to call the orthopedist tomorrow, a bandaged toe and a prescription for vicodin . . . what a flipping mess!


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Time moves on

It's hard to believe that it's March - even with an extra day February seemed to go fast! And March looks (on paper) to do the same! There aren't as many meetings or trainings scheduled (right now) but that may change in the next few days!

There was a big push to finish Learning 2.0 and I think everyone who registered and wanted to finish was able to complete the training. We had several labs and worked to give people time on the schedule to complete their work. It'll be interesting to see the final numbers!

Next month I'm going to the Computers in Libraries conference in Arlington - this will be the 4th year I've been able to go - it's a great conference and I always see a lot of new things and learn stuff too! And I get to have fun with co-workers who attend also!

Can't believe that Daylight Savings time starts next weekend! Time certainly will FLY then!!

NCIS Marathon!!

YIPPEEE - there's an NCIS marathon on USA! Hours and hours of Mark Harmon & company! Now that I'm home from work (1/2 day today!) can it get any better than this?? Blogger Graphics