Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back to Work . . .

Today was my second day back at work - and I want to thank everyone who suggested I go back part-time! Four hours seems to be the limit my arm and I can handle!

Monday I did too much with the arm - I had the sling but not the waist band and that just allowed me to do more than I probably should have.

Today I had the waist band but I was still tired enough and my arm ached enough that when I came home at noon I took a pain pill and had a nice nap!! This evening has been much better!

I know that slow and steady is the way to go but I don't have a lot of patience - I'm sure that will come as a complete shock to my friends! - and it's hard for me to wait - - but, of course, I will!

PS: to my bank, co-workers for whom I've signed leave slips, etc. - that's not a forgery . . . it's my poor attempt to write with my left hand!!

PPS: kudos to the programmers who created an easy way to switch mouse buttons!!

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