Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Weeks & Counting

I have fingers!! On my visit to the doctor today he said the cast was too big and I said I couldn't use the sling because the angle wasn't right. He also said that the fracture has slipped a little but not significantly - probably because the cast was slipping.

Anyway, I got a new cast today and my fingers and thumb have been freed! I might actually be able to sign my name soon! My wrist (outside the cast) is a lovely shade of yellow!! My cast is now a "healing" purple - and I am using my sling!

Next appointment the 31st - and another cast - this time a short one!

1 comment:

Susan Marziani said...

Yee Rah! Congrats on finding your fingers and thumb again! Did you feel like an infant who saw them for the first time? Glad to hear they re-set things and gave you a new cast. Can't wait to see you next week!