Friday, November 30, 2007
Christmas Trees and Quincy
My old tree was beyond help and went to the dump - so it was definitely necessary to get a new one. I set it up yesterday and immediately Quincy was part of the action! He was batting at the branches and hiding underneath the tree whenever he was out of the box! (Luckily he didn't try to actually climb the tree!)
Later, when I was putting on the ornaments (not a complete job because of so much "help") he was fascinated with the dangling things! And some made noise too - how fun is that!?? It fairly put him into a frenzy - racing around the downstairs in excitment! He wanted in the ornament box - not happening - and he wanted to see everything - and I mean everything!
This morning there was a round ornament on the floor - surprise!- and Quincy was on top of the chair acting innocent! I'll have to make sure all the ornaments near the bottom are unbreakable, but since he jumps so high that might not save anything!
Another "Blonde" Moment
One of my favorite videos - even tho it does give blondes a bad name - good thing I'm not blonde then huh??!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Pets at Thanksgiving
It was actually quite funny. Quincy & Cleo were hanging out - Quincy on the ottoman in the family room, Cleo on the floor next to the sofa. The doorbell rang - Scott, Michelle and 7 arrived. 7 was somewhat of a surprise because I'd been told she was probably going to stay home! But she's a good girl and always welcome!
Quincy took one look and bolted for upstairs - hardly touching the stairs on the way up! Cleo, who met 7 last year, actually walked up to 7 and went nose to nose. She (Cleo) carefully raised one paw and barely reached out to 7 - they were bonding!
Cleo then turned her back on the dog and walked into the kitchen. 7 being the curious dog she is walked up behind Cleo to do the "doggy hello". Cleo looked like a ninja! All 20 pounds of her went straight up, did a 180 degree turn and slapped that dog right across the face with a hiss and a spit!
7 was, of course, startled and backed up (momentarily). Cleo bolted for upstairs (and her other enemy - Quincy). 7 started to follow but was called back!! She promptly forgot about cats and focused more on turkey, ham and other goodies!
I later went looking for the cats (since they hadn't been down for a long time) and found them both under the king-size bed - one under the upper right corner and one under the lower left corner! They were turned away from each other under the premise that if they couldn't see each other it was ok!
Once 7 (and Scott & Michelle) went home, both cats came downstairs and went immediately to their food bowls!
It was a very funny moment - and a bit of excitment in a relatively quiet day (if you don't count the football games which I don't!!).
PS - in case anyone's wondering - 7 is not named for the character on Star Trek - her name comes from the fact that she is pet number 7 for my son!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Winter at Arlington

My step-father's grave is fairly easy to find (he's buried with his first wife). My father is buried near the old ampitheater and also fairly easy to find but my husband's grave is in a newer section across from the Pentagon. When he was first there it was very easy to find his grave - three headstones apart from the others by a tree on MacArthur Blvd. Over the past 6 years, however, Arlington has been filling in the area and it's harder and harder each time I go to find his grave. So many new graves each time.
In fact, there were two full-military funerals while we were there. The crack of the rifles echoed over the area, the white horses were pulling the caisson and the flags were snapping in the breeze. It is so moving, so sad and, for me, very emotional. There is such pain at Arlington - and such beauty. And no matter what time of the year I go (and I go often!) there are visitors walking around the cemetery - the Tomb of the Unknowns, JFK's gravesite, RFK's grave and, of course, Arlington House itself. President Taft's grave is there as are so many famous (and not-so-famous) people.
As I said in an earlier post - I like cemeteries and, to me, there is not another one like Arlington. It is so beautiful and so sad.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
IM & Me
I have been part of the IM work at VBPL also. I have worked several IM sessions and find it fun and enjoyable. I'm hoping that business picks up with increased publicity about the service, including word-of-mouth from those who have ventured to ask questions!
The questions I have received have been good ones - primarily basic ones - with some exceptions! One question even led to an additional statement in the Adult Registration Policy to say that people with Powers of Attorney may get library cards for the named individuals - now there's an example of IM at work! This was a busy mother of 4 who may not have had extra time to spend at the library asking questions, but who was looking at our webpage and noticed that we were online and asked!
IM is poised to become the "ready reference" desk and who better to answer those "I wonder what ..." questions than library staff?? After all, we'll research our answers and give sources - and allow follow-up questions!!
IM & Us
IM is a tool - nothing more or less than that! As we learned to adapt to email (and the telephone for that matter) we can adapt to using IM! It's actually fun! and although our customers may be faster or more in-tune with the jargon (well, for some of us of a certain age that may be more true than for others!) there's no reason we can't answer questions and provide needed information online as well as in person or over the telephone!
Libraries need to be significant in the community - to matter in order to remain part of the community and to continue to be funded with taxpayer money. Libraries have to take the extra steps to reach out to all our customers - and that includes using Instant Messaging. This isn't cutting edge technology - it's reality!
Don & I drove to Northern Virginia Sunday night - a nightmare drive that normally takes about 2 hours and took over 2.5 hours - and unpacked Monday (again with wonderful unloaders who were worth their money!). (We're staging his townhouse for sale (hopefully in the spring) so some things (like extra tables & bed) went up there.)
Monday night we even got to sleep in the bed (and not the air-mattress on the floor!!). Tuesday - and we're back in Richmond and all the stuff going to Va Beach is in the garage waiting for the truck (another one!) tomorrow. Packing the truck and heading south! No packers this time - mostly boxes and a couch for a kid!
Then unpacking and Don comes back to Richmond to clean the apartment (not much to do there!) and move a few things to a room he's rented in a house near his work!
So, boys & girls, that's how I spent my Thanksgiving vacation!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I have a lovely Mom, who's doing well, a great brother and sister (his wife!) as well as a terrific niece and nephew.
My boys (not really boys any more but grown men with lives of their own!) are my favorite people in the world! Better people would be hard to find! And they're finding great people to be with them in their lives.
My friends are fantastic people who help me celebrate the good times and weather the bad ones! It's such a blessing to have such friends - to be able to call and say HELP and know they'll be there - thank you!!
I also have a partner who's good for and to me - and I'm very thankful that he's going to be living here more often! Next step - working down here! Hopefully soon.
Anyway - whenever I get "snarky" I remind myself of all these good things in my life and realize how well I have it!!
PS - Oh yes, and I can't forget the four-legged "people" in my life - Cleo & Quincy - they certainly make life more interesting! And "7" my Grand-dog - she's sweet and young and just wanted to play with the kitties - honest!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Week 4 - and the Fun Continues!
It's a short work week - Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a wonderful day with all their family and friends. My family will be over for the traditional turkey, ham and fixings - we'll all eat more than we should and veg in front of the TV! I'm hoping there's something on besides football - but I bet that's what the boys will want to watch!
(I can't wait to see how Quincy and Cleo get along with my son's dog!! Cleo met her last year and after one look went upstairs and stayed under the bed!! I have no idea what Quincy will do when he meets her!)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Finding a Feed
I liked the listings I got on Technorati - and the fact that, in addition to the actual blogs, it gave lists of the tags (labels) used so I could broaden or narrow my search! I haven't created an account on Technorati and don't know that I will - but it's an interesting concept!
Some of the most unusual and some of the best feeds I have found have been inside other feeds! If I find a blog or site that is of particular interest, I try to follow links located in the posts. I often find another blog or source of good/funny/interesting "stuff". I then add that to my reader! Additionally, I read the blogs of friends and they will often have links, either in their posts, or as a list on their website of sites they like to read. I will check out some of those and frequently come up with new feeds that way!!
My reading is broadened considerably and the amount of work/time that it takes is less because of feeds and readers! LOVE IT!!
RSS - What a Relief!!
I have accounts in both - for comparison purposes - but I have to admit a bias toward Google! I think it's easier to use, more intuitive and gives a better interface! I think, too, that Google Labs will continue to update and improve the Reader at a faster rate that Bloglines can achieve. My shared account at Google is here.
Having said that!! My shared account at Bloglines is here - but I'll be very honest - this is only a SMALL fraction of the total number of feeds I have at Google!! There are almost 50 there!! I do share some of the posts from my Google Reader on my blog - it's a simple process and allows me to add only those posts that I think might be of interest to others!
I appreciate RSS more every day - technology, libraries and the world is changing so fast and there's SO MUCH out there that's there's no way anyone could possibly keep up with the changes and advances that are happening. RSS allows me to quickly read headlines (or full posts) to determine if it's something that's pertinent to what I'd doing at the moment. I can keep up without spending tons of time searching (sometimes fruitlessly) through the Internet.
The one problem I've had is that some sites have SO much published all the time and I've found myself deleting feeds that are just too much or not enough on the topics I want to follow. For example: I signed up for the Today Show feed - but there was SO much that really didn't interest me that I gave it up!
As for Bloglines vs. Google - either works - I simply prefer Google! I also prefer a web-based reader. I have Internet Explorer 7 at home as well as Outlook 2007. Both of those, as well as Firefox, gather RSS feeds. The problem is that those feeds are only available from the computer with those programs!! Google & Bloglines are available anywhere and that's vital in the world of "on the go"!
PS - I've added a playlist of some of my favorite songs at the bottom of the blog - it doesn't aut0-start but feel free to listen or choose the song you'd like to hear!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Animated Quincy

What a Great Idea!
I was reading archived articles in a blog and found a report from YALSA on the positives of Social Networking! Down around page 6 (of this 23 page report) I found this:
I recommended tailoring school assignments to incorporate new technologies. Instead of a traditional 5 paragraph biography report, have middle or high school students create a MySpace style page for an artist, writer, scientist, etc. What would Honest Abe's page look like? Who would be in his friends list? What kind of music was popular in his era? What were his interests? What would his blog of daily life look like? And, of course, sources for all info would have to be cited, and music and photos and quotes would have to be used in accordance with fair use... such an assignment would meet our teens where they are and create an opportunity to discuss "what does it mean to have someone on your friends list?" and "how does one obtain permission to add a song or photo?" and "what measures could Abe take if he didn't want to be found in this directory?"
What a fun project this would be!! And how much more enjoyable for the students (and the teacher!!) to do and read!
Young Adult Library Services Association
A Division of the American Library Association - 800-545-2433 x 4390 -
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What a Picture!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's going to be fun to see all the different ways people will have to personalize their blog.
Can you tell I'm so pleased that we're moving forward with Library 2.0, Web 2.0 - whatever you want to call it!
21st Century - we'll get there sooner rather than later!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veteran's Day Vandals
If you are against the war - the number of flags is truly amazing - and a visual reminder of the losses suffered.
If you have lost someone in this war - the flags are a memorial to their loss and your pain.
Either way, the flags were a peaceful, powerful comment on our collective loss and the price we're all paying every day.
As the article said - it was probably kids - and I can only hope they can come to realize the horror the rest of us feel at their actions. I hope they feel the full weight of guilt and pain that others who see the destruction feel.
(And I hope, if their parents find out about their involvement, that punishment will be swift and effective. This is NOT acceptable by anyone!)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Learning 2.0 Week 2
In addition to talking face-2-face with people, I've had email discussion with more distant friends!! It's interesting to see how much we think alike - using our own words and phrases!! And, using email, we were able to build on each other's thoughts - and, at least for me, to further clarify my own opinions!
My idea of what Library 2.0 is/can be/should be: (adapted and clarifed with conversations!!)
Library 2.0 means connecting with our customers in the ways and at the times that the customers want. It means having the information they want in the formats they want. Library 2.0 means using the tools available to connect with our customers - of all ages and it also means adapting to new technologies as they come! We do not need to be the first, necessarily, to test new technologies, but we should not be the last either!
Library 2.0 means keeping current with new trends and being able to evaluate the ones of value to the organization and the community. Library 2.0 is acknowledging that the customer may actually know what he wants! I think a goal for Library 2.0 would be to have the Library realize it can no longer be the arbiter of "what the customer should know" but rather it must become a provider of "what the customer WANTS to know"!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Holiday Weekend

I've already booked repair people to come in on Monday - I'm truly hopeful that the refridgerator isn't "dead" just "sick"!! I am hoping (someday) to redo the kitchen and that would include new appliances - but I'm not ready to do that now and not piece by piece!! Oh well - we'll see what happens.
In the meantime - I'm going to use this time for reflection on the sacrifices that the military men and women have made for our country. I'm so very grateful and so proud of all of them. I hope we do as well for them as they have done and are doing for us.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
It was GREAT!! And truly relaxing!! I'm hoping she can come back in late spring!! I was able to get several Christmas gifts too!
Everyone, including some of the men on the staff, enjoyed the change from our usual routine and everyone said how relaxed and refreshed they were afterwards!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Cleaning is NOT one of my favorite things – in fact, it's something that I try to avoid whenever I can – however, I do know how to clean and can clean fairly well! I just need motivation!! In the "old days" the motivation would be family coming to visit or a ship's social gathering – but neither of those has happened for a very long time!
I did have motivation tonight though! I asked a few friends to come to dinner tomorrow – and that gave me the momentum I needed! I must admit, though, that I did think of begging off – of suggesting we go out somewhere instead – the work just seemed so much! But I didn't and I'm glad.
The whole house isn't clean or even picked up – but the main areas are and, with a quick run of the vacuum tomorrow, and a "de-hairing" of the chairs of cat hair all will be ready! We'll have a great time and my house will look fine!
Now I just have to find the motivation for upstairs!! J
True Musings
I love my job and I like the people I work with - very much - but sometimes it seems like its the "neverending story" and it's up to me to make a break. (But when you have a (somewhat!!) controlling, compulsive personality letting go is HARD!!
But I do have a great family and good friends and they certainly help create a balance. Today I actually took some time off - I did have things to get done (still do) but part of the time was spent just relaxing and not reading email!
Maybe I'll have to start declaring "No Technology" hours (days would be TOO hard!) once in a while just to regroup and refresh! (Wait - make that "No Computer" hours because I like my BBCAmerica on TV!!)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Election Day

Originally I said I would vote for the person who campaigned without smearing the opponent - well that wasn't possible! So I chose another tactic - I just voted against all incumbents - not always the wisest path but I wasn't happy with the way they'd been working for "me" so I decided to make a change. We'll have to see what the results are.
On a side note: I REALLY dislike campaign workers outside polling places! It's an insult! It scares me to think that our elections are determined by people who haven't done any reading or listening and who may rely on handouts as they are walking into a polling place!
Today, I kept my head down, didn't make eye contact and when offered a pamphlet, said (nicely) "No, thank you". Well you would have thought I'd spit in their faces! (Note to campaign workers - I don't want your handouts and I'M NOT DEAF - so please keep your opinions of me to yourself!) Humm - next time I should take the handout and vote against whoever is giving it! There's a thought!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Learning 2.0
I think there are two things that will be hard for me - one is information overload - there's just SO MUCH out there and a finite amount of time in which to read, think and do something with the information! The second thing is that I want to spend time doing all that and have to be careful to prioritze the importance of "2.0" with my "1.0" world of work, family and friends! (Oh, and patience is not one of my strongest virtues!! - waiting is never easy but the experience will be better for it!!)
The easiest part of this is the actual doing - it's fun for me - I enjoy playing and exploring on the computer. I like to try new software and fiddle with stuff!
Looking forward to more next week!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Library Land - Part 2
It started with a co-worker looking out of the window at the drive-up. "Oh NO" she said - "I don't believe he's doing that!" Of course the rest of us in the workroom said "WHAT?" "He's going to the bathroom in the bushes!!"
Good grief - there he was standing between the drive-up and the delivery entrance with his back to the window - but it was very obvious what was happening!! A quick call to the dispatcher, a really good description (especially after he completed his toilet, turned and nodded when he saw us in the window!!) and our day began!
It was pretty quiet the rest of the day - 2 hours of IM reference - NO QUESTIONS!!

I'm sure that will pick up - and I did get other work done during that time!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Get a cash advance
OK - my score is getting higher since the first time I took this quiz - then it was 47%!! I guess I must be having fun or I'd stop doing it!!
I discovered - go there and enjoy! That's where I found this Kitty - he follows your cursor and, if you touch his head he meows. If you touch his tummy he purrs! He may not stay long but for now, he's cute and has Quincy's coloring!!
I haven't explored there very much but it looks like they have LOTS of stuff - so I'm planning a "re-visit" and some exploring!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Anyway - I gave the Library's name and said I wasn't sure how I just popped into his IM but I'd be happy to help answer any question I could! Apparently the name meant something because he just said OK, Thanks!
Other than that it's been a slow IM night! Maybe next time it will pick up!!
It was simply a beautiful day today - warm, sunny with a light breeze. A great day to be alive!