Wednesday, November 7, 2007

True Musings

There are days that just wear me down! Today wasn't actually one of them - but it certainly had potential!

I love my job and I like the people I work with - very much - but sometimes it seems like its the "neverending story" and it's up to me to make a break. (But when you have a (somewhat!!) controlling, compulsive personality letting go is HARD!!

But I do have a great family and good friends and they certainly help create a balance. Today I actually took some time off - I did have things to get done (still do) but part of the time was spent just relaxing and not reading email!

Maybe I'll have to start declaring "No Technology" hours (days would be TOO hard!) once in a while just to regroup and refresh! (Wait - make that "No Computer" hours because I like my BBCAmerica on TV!!)

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