Monday, February 18, 2008

Bad Kitty!

This morning we had horrible thunderstorms - and it was still sprinkling when I left for work just before 7. As I was leaving - Quincy - also known as Bad Kitty - ran out the front door into "the world"! And he was off - into the front yard - across the neighbor's driveway and snooping in their bushes. No amount of calling or rattling of dry food would entice him back home.

I had to go to work - and Don was left on Bad Kitty watch. He said he saw him several times - in the back yard and the front - but he wouldn't come in the house! Quincy went under the house (protected from the rain there) and wandered around most of the morning.

Finally, after 4 hours the silly thing was captured and back in the house. Such a Bad Kat!!

Don is owed a great deal for putting up with the cat (and me!) this morning!


LaylaJenn said...


Susan Marziani said...

Did you put Bad Kat on a time out?