Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Technology - AARRGGGG!

I love technology and I HATE technology!! Whew I feel better now!

After a busy day of Service Awards - congrats to that team! - I came home to find that my laptop was connecting to the router but no futher - bummer! Restarting the laptop didn't help - double bummer! Resetting the wireless router - still nothing - now I'm getting "upset"! Checking the dsl modem - all green, but there's a switch up there too - hummm that looks suspicious - so reset all of those - switches, routers, modems - EVERYTHING. Still nothing!

Let me see - most of my neighbors have secured networks - but I do know the password to one - let me try that - NO GO!! Trying to connect but not! Wait - there's an unsecured network - let's try that - NO - starting to want to slam the computer!!

Finally looking to see what networks are available - and mine (really strong signal!) flashes: acquiring IP address, connected with limited access, connected!

YEA!! Happy Days!!

Question - what happened?? Answer - who knows?? But for now computers are connected! Yippee!!

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