Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who Knew??

Here I've been thinking that we, in Virginia, were pretty much on our own as far as primaries went - we're not part of Super Tuesday - we're a week behind after all. No one was really talking about us - lots of coverage of New York, California, Michigan, etc. but not Virginia. SIGH - the Mother of Presidents reduced to an afterthought in the primary coverage.

Little did I know, until watching coverage of Super Tuesday, that we're in the

Chesapeake Primaries

Never heard of the name before! It's certainly not been mentioned in local press (until last night/this morning)!

Next Tuesday night the pundits will be counting down to poll closures in Maryland, Virginia and DC (powerhouses all). Luckily we're all in the same time zone - there should be time for rerun TV (darn that writer's strike) after victories are declared around 9. (Those crazy Marylanders - staying open until 8!!).

Oh well, I guess it's really time to "get serious" and make some decisions! After all, my vote may actually mean something next week!!

Trivia Quiz: Name the Presidents that gave Virginia the nickname "Mother of Presidents"



Anonymous said...

Today I heard our primary included as part of the "Potomac Primaries." I think that came from the New York Times. I've never heard "Chesapeake Primaries," either!

Susan Marziani said...

I heard the same "chesapeake primaries" we must have been watching the same newscast. Who knew?