It came in the other day and I've thoroughly enjoyed it! While it has many amusing parts, it's not just a funny book about working in a library - there are thoughtful and thought provoking sections too.
"Pages occupy the bottom rung of the library hierarchy. . . . A library will continue to function nicely without every other position, but without the pages it would grind to a stop within a quiet afternoon." (p.17)
Although written by a librarian from California (with some specific situations), this book could easily fit into Virginia Beach! Put it on hold and enjoy it too!
PS - FYI I started 22 years ago as a Page!!
I can see you've been busy and keeping your blog up to date. I've neglected mine for a few days. I thought it might be easier to keep a blog vs. writing in a paper journal - but I'm wrong. You have to schedule time to keep things current. Go figure. Enjoy your Monday - I too intend to relish in every single minute away from Building 18. Later gator.
Hah, I've got the book now.
Thanks for your encouragement and interaction during Learning 2.0. I've decided nobody reads my blog 'cause I don't own a cat.
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