It was our Little Green Machine to the rescue today as a customer's LARGE bottle of liquid laundry detergent spilled! Luckily it was in a spot normally covered by the legs of a table so it will be able to dry, luckily it smells REALLY nice and luckily I was able to stop the customer from trying to pick up the gooey stuff with paper towels!
Unfortunately, the liquid laundry detergent is extremely thick and didn't get into the machine but stayed in the non-detachable hose!! (Note to Bissel - please make the hoses detachable!!). SO, after getting all the detergent out of the carpet, I took Little Green to the lounge - ran water into the sink and repeatedly sucked up water and emptied suds from the intake container!
Took a little while but eventually the hose was clear, the intake container didn't have suds and the lounge smelled REALLY good too!!
And they say there's no fun in libraries!!
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