Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good TIme Had By All!

It was really good to get together with a few friends last night and "dish dish dish"! It's been a while since we've gotten together and life is trying to get in our way but we managed a get-together last night and it was FUN! (I'm sure the very young waiter was convinced we were absolutely ready for the funny farm - but as mentioned, he's young!!)

Thank you Delilah, Carter & Maggie Mae for the excellent time - and great talk!! Fingers crossed that all stays sane for our next meeting!!

PS - Maggie - OF COURSE you could handle anything - I mean geesh - a walk in the park!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My gosh you stay busy. How do you find time to blog every night? I get too sidetracked when I get home but I'll try to do better. Last night was WONDERFUL - I just adore our group, the company we keep and the secrets we share...ARG Rules. And I agree - I feel a tad sorry for Jordan too. I don't think he knows what hit him!